
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Vintage Stewart Spice Rack Set!

I found this amazing vintage spice rack by Stewart through etsy, and then later thru a wonderful website for retro goods in the UK here...

Sadly, the one in etsy sold before I could get my hands on it... but, I was able to search and find the same set and bought it.

 It arrived to me safely from the UK, and I just love it. I probably won't use it for spices, but instead as storage on my work desk! I just love the colorful retro look it gives!

 Also, a few updated pics below...
 I replaced the pink bow on my Bunny bank, since the original one was faded. I also added a black bow to my Rune Naito Mermaid. I just love her hair. Now. if only Rune Naito would create a mermaid doll?! That would be dreamy...ahh

 "Peekaboo", a little anime girl is hiding in the silly mug. I also got another Chocoholic organizer, in mint color, with apple decor. Just too cute!

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls


  1. Where did you get your Rune Naito Mermaid? I need to replace my friend's black one because I broke it and she's going to kill me! The store we bought it from in CA closed years ago. >_< ANY help is appreciated!

  2. hi dear, I'm so sorry that happened. It is very hard to come by these days. I have yet to see the black one, put up for auction. If I come across any I will let you know. Truly sorry. Hugs, gg
