
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Internet Disruptions, etc...

Ugh, our internet was down most of Yesterday afternoon into the evening... It definitely does do a number to me, when most of what I do is online for my businesses, like my shop, the guesthouse, blogs, inlaw's website, etc.

Thankfully, I was able to fill in an order made prior to Yesterday. But then one order came in today and I was a bit panicked, especially, if I am not able to get it out in a timely manner... But, that's just the way I am as a seller. I want to be sure that my customers are getting their items just as quickly as they have made the purchase! Thank goodness for the hard workers of Docomo Pacific, for pushing to fix the problem in our area!

Okay, here's what I did while offline...

I took out my Iwai gals and retook some photos of them with the mod fabric print I often use. I really do like the print with them. Reminds me of the amazing 1960s psychedelic themes, and onto the early 1970s...

I then, took this amazing hand-made dress I purchased from an online shop in Japan for $25 and tried it on Yui. She looks amazing don't you think?! The dress was made for Volks DD, but though a bit big around the waist for Azone 1/3 dolls, it still looks nice on her. She's like a little girl.
 I am a bit worried, the dark fabric might stain her... I will have to look in a bit!

After, doing some errands uptown, we checked the mail and my latest box from yahoo Japan came in. Just two items inside... I'm now, on a budget-_-;
 This lovely Yoko Kitajima vintage sketchbook... I love the large artwork on the front, and inside, I have a paper doll and fashions!
 If you recall, I have a Miyako Maki sketchbook too below...
 Love, love, love, the artwork. Definitely keepers!

Lastly, this amazing vintage wine glass music toy. I found while doing my usual searches through Yahoo Japan.
 I have another you can see here on flickr or here on a past post. So, this one or the other will be added to my shop soon!
 Nice and mint, it has a little ballerina at the center, that twirls as it plays. Lots of flowers and other decor around her.

This one also plays music from "Swan Lake".

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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