
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Keeping Busy and One of My Idols!

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season and getting ready for all the festive activities that come with it?! I've been trying to keep busy with finishing some projects I got ideas for, the past week or so... Here's what I got done. Whew.

I took this cutie's head off her original bod and onto the stationary sitting bod you see... I changed out her red ribbons and put bubblegum pink ball hair ties to match the gingham she has on top.
 I repainted the collar of the dress, boots and bow tie on the dress. Now she sits in my display cabinet.
 She was fun to do!
I found a few rubber heads from etsy, that I decided to try to create something with. Then, I had an idea?! I remembered, that I had a Mcdonald's Buildabear Happy Meal toy from sometime ago and took it out to use. Previously, I tried needle felting a body to use, but it didn't work out the way I had originally wanted... So, since the Buldabear bodies are tiny plush teddy bears anyhow, why not? Basically, I removed the face of the Buildabear and replaced it with the rubber face you see.
 I'm trying to recreate smaller Rushton type cuties using those rubber faces... I hope to make more soon! Rushton's are so much more expensive nowadays. So, these are just right for me and the price too!
 The bear is about 4 inches tall. I hope to make a lamb, duck, and baby chick soon!

Then, I took some festive holiday photos, while taking out some Christmas decor to decorate my dresser with...

 Just a few of my favorite vintage Christmas ornaments and Kamar Santa! He is my fave of all!

I also wanted to share with you... I recently took out my Sweet Memorial EX Wedding Jenny from 2007 to sit atop my inflatable stool by my bed. I dressed her in one of my favorite mod dresses made for Nakajima Seisakusho Charmed Scarlet dolls, along with a pair of Ideal Velvet doll, pink maryjane shoes.
 She looks so mod and reminds me more of the 1960s style in Japan back then. Ahhh, gorgeous. I took a pic to share via instagram and...
I got a like from one of my favorite doll collector icons, Billyboy*, Mr. Mdvanii himself!! Oh my goodness, if you are a collector from the early 90s or so, like myself, I learned so much from Billyboy's articles, and his wealth of knowledge for the craft and love of doll collecting. He is one of the inspirations for writing my book on High Fashion Lina dolls!!

Yes, I took a screenshot of his comments... He's one of my idols, of course I would! I just had to share with you his words and his comments on my doll. So, very excited.

His son, Alec Jiri and I have become good friends, when he purchased, some of my beloved Lina dolls in my collection. AJ, is amazing and I truly enjoy our conversations on dolls and our collections along with what he has learned from his amazing Dad.

I'm truly honored dear Billyboy* much love to you, AJ and the family. If you would like ot learn more about Mdvaniism, and Billyboy* works and collection visit his website here, and also Fondation Tanagra. Alec Jiri has a shop here on etsy too! You can find some of the rare dollhouse furnishings for sale also, and proceeds will go to the foundation.

Thank you so much for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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