
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Goodies in This Week!

Here's what came in this week! I have been busy searching and finding more items to add to my shop later! So, be sure to check my shop often. I hope to have some new/old vintage goodies listed soon!

I got this cutie through IG, reminds me of those cute Ninohira squeak dolls. A copycat version perhaps. Made in Taiwan. In the shop soon.

This cutie is for a customer using my "Finder's Service". I was able to help her get a dream Needle Felt handmade cutie from Japan. This blue bunny, is already on its way to her new owner.

 This unique cute early, Rune Naito ceramic coin bank bunny, I was able to get from an online Japan shop. Poor guy, needed some major cleaning, from caked on dust, from years of sitting on a shelf, I believe...
 You can see the before and after pics. Named, "Pipi", this cutie has sticker eyes and her sticker name.
 Original sticker tag underneath. She stands about 7" tall.
 I've added a hot pink ribbon, and she is ready for the shop. Love her big head. Sara likes her too!

I finally took some shots of the cute boy squeak toy I got from Narita. He's so minty. Love it.

I hope to get more items next week?! I'm expecting a rare find too for the shop!

Have a great weekend you all and much love, ggsdolls

Monday, February 20, 2017

Restoring These Cuties!

As soon as I got them in,(See here), I started working the past weekend on restoring them... It was an added bonus, to receive some of the materials I needed to do the job too! Whew.

 First, I worked on the doe. I was able to salvage most of her neck area. Then, I changed out that awful teal garland that was glued on the top of their heads-_-; with some Marabou feathered boa fluffiness in Teal.
 The stag looks like he's punk. Taby says, that this hairstyle is called, "F*** Boy Style". I was like, really? Why? She said, because she read that this was the hairstyle most guys got, that are "players". Wow, I'm old fashioned, and just thought it was a style trend... Ha.

Vintage pottery figurines with markings underneath.
 A close up of her neck. Not too bad. Some of the pieces were powder and I couldn't salvage them. Oh well.
 How they both look now. I think they turned out nicely. They will be added to the shop soon!

I also worked on the white deers. By adding a fur stole to the closed eyed deer, and a light baby blue ribbon to the small deer.

Now, to begin on my fave, the red bear...
 First, I glued his ear properly, so it won't come loose. Then, I started to paint the areas that were white. This would also help me with the re-flocking of those areas. His ear, was the worse area, but the easiest to do. LOL
 The back side, left before, and right after... I still need to add more flocking, which I will do later. His before, and after front view. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Yay me!
Good as new, well almost. It was definitely a fun challenge, and an even bittersweet end.
 Here are my Bunny and Bear, photographed together. They definitely are a pair of cuties.

 Along with the materials I needed for the restoration... I got, a new/old children's board book. By Froebel-Kan, this one is called, "Playing Games". On the cover, is an adorable Kewpie dolly.
And at the back of the book too! Inside, other vintage dolls and toys from the 60s and 70s! Love this cute tan Kewpie as well.
One of the reasons I buy these books are for the vintage dolls and toys featured in them... Ahhh, adorable!

Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls

Friday, February 17, 2017

Trades, Etc...

I'm doing the happy dance today!! Earlier this week, I was DMed by two friends via IG. I checked their messages, and both wanted to trade for some cuties I had, for what they had... Long story short, one of my trades arrived to me lightening fast! I mean literally...

I was in shock. I've seen items get to my customers within like, one week time frame in the States, but to me, and here, on a little island so far away from the States! Unheard of?!  But, sure enough, I went up to the village to check our mail box, thinking to myself, there was just letter mail in the box... Instead, I got two boxes... Yay me!

All the way from Columbus, Ohio, these cuties were traded for my white deer with the vase! I have been trying to find either a tall set or short set of these closed-eyed cat cuties for a few months now. Finally, a pair to myself! Yay! Thank you, dear EllenR. on IG, not her real name, of course. But, I'd rather keep some really good vintage trade friends to myself, Hehe.

 They are gorgeous, pearl-like in pastel pink. These are salt & pepper shakers, but many of my fellow collectors got ga-ga for these, just like I do! The tall one's are even more sought after. Since I can only keep a small collection, these two are just puuur-fect! Ha.
 They will be added to my collection of figurines...
 Those eyes! Lushes eyelashes too, so 1970s.

My other trade I will share when it arrives...

Late last week, I was doing my usual searches through etsy, and found these cuties!!  Hui-shan had these cuties listed, but you couldn't see them, unless you click on show more! So, I did. She had this cute red bear bank, Yup, just like my red bunny! Also, a cute deer couple. I ordered both.
 Sent out last week Friday, just like my items that come from Japan, it arrived to me in 7 days! Yes, please. Thank you Mr. Post Man/Woman!!
 Sadly, the female deer didn't survive the quick travel. I will have to glue her together... Oh well, Hui-shan was kind enough to give me a partial refund. I will work on this gal and the boy deer also. I have an upcycle idea for them... More later.

This cutie is my fave of all! He will be friends with my Bunny. First, I will have to work on him. He was sold with some issues, he has cracked his ear somehow, there are areas that need re-flocking, and maybe a bit of paint on his eye... Poor guy.

 He's also missing his plug. Lucky, I got some awhile back. I will take some pics of his finished look. Can't wait to start on him too!

Yesterday, I got another Pearl-like deer, the small one you see. I was hoping they'd match, but the small one is a bit more heavy in feel, as compared to the large one. Along with one being a bit more yellowed in tone.

 I may decide to keep them or not...

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Amazing Finds Arrive!

Today's mail are a few amazing finds, I found late last month! I'm doing the happy dance...

 I was able to find for cheap, the book, "Happy Kitty Bunny Pony", two items from Amiami for Azone KikiPop dolls.
 Just had to get this cute dress and stockings... For who? LOL  It might fit one of my dolls?

"Happy Kitty Bunny Pony" by Charles S. Anderson Design Co., talks about all things cute, most noticeably, cute animals... I will have to read it, and then give you my thoughts? So far, it's pretty interesting.
 Love the vintage graphics too!

 This cutie showed up on the bay, and I just couldn't resist snatching her up! With a buy it now feature, her eyes are very similar to my other rubber gals. She is made by the same company, Iwai...
 A sweet squeak toy. She still squeaks too!
 Playing 'peekaboo' with the camera. She will be a sweet addition to my collection.

Last,  are these amazing vintage Japan ceramic cat couple figurines... There was a bidding war, unfortunately, for these cuties. I'm sorry, if I outbidded you... fellow collectors. But, just look at those eyes!
 Nice and minty, with only slight manufacturer flaws.
 They were quite the price, but, worth every penny. Now, to find a spot to showcase them... Ha.
Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls