
Monday, February 20, 2017

Restoring These Cuties!

As soon as I got them in,(See here), I started working the past weekend on restoring them... It was an added bonus, to receive some of the materials I needed to do the job too! Whew.

 First, I worked on the doe. I was able to salvage most of her neck area. Then, I changed out that awful teal garland that was glued on the top of their heads-_-; with some Marabou feathered boa fluffiness in Teal.
 The stag looks like he's punk. Taby says, that this hairstyle is called, "F*** Boy Style". I was like, really? Why? She said, because she read that this was the hairstyle most guys got, that are "players". Wow, I'm old fashioned, and just thought it was a style trend... Ha.

Vintage pottery figurines with markings underneath.
 A close up of her neck. Not too bad. Some of the pieces were powder and I couldn't salvage them. Oh well.
 How they both look now. I think they turned out nicely. They will be added to the shop soon!

I also worked on the white deers. By adding a fur stole to the closed eyed deer, and a light baby blue ribbon to the small deer.

Now, to begin on my fave, the red bear...
 First, I glued his ear properly, so it won't come loose. Then, I started to paint the areas that were white. This would also help me with the re-flocking of those areas. His ear, was the worse area, but the easiest to do. LOL
 The back side, left before, and right after... I still need to add more flocking, which I will do later. His before, and after front view. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Yay me!
Good as new, well almost. It was definitely a fun challenge, and an even bittersweet end.
 Here are my Bunny and Bear, photographed together. They definitely are a pair of cuties.

 Along with the materials I needed for the restoration... I got, a new/old children's board book. By Froebel-Kan, this one is called, "Playing Games". On the cover, is an adorable Kewpie dolly.
And at the back of the book too! Inside, other vintage dolls and toys from the 60s and 70s! Love this cute tan Kewpie as well.
One of the reasons I buy these books are for the vintage dolls and toys featured in them... Ahhh, adorable!

Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls

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