
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Goodies in on My Bday!

It's been a lot less busy since finishing taxes. But, I guess with all the work, I got sick. So, for my birthday, these goodies arrived and it was a nice, "Pick Me up" for sure!

 These cuties arrived to me safely. Ceramic type Dog couple. I love her blue eye shadow. I've added ribbons to them. They are a little out of sorts in my collection. So, I've already added them to my shop on etsy!

This amazing vintage thermos, this time in cream, with the same cherry blossom design. Added to my growing collection. I hope to take photos of the ones I have so far, at some point.

 I was able to get this cutie and the thermos together! I used to collect Shevie dolls, but sold all I had long ago. This is a quite different one, to me. Her face is very different, though most would say, they are the same! LOL
 Her squeaker doesn't work, sadly, which is okay, and she is a lot smaller than I remembered. I don't recall them being so small. Then, again, it's been since 2011 that I've owned one, I believe. Ha.

She fits nicely, into my fave mug! I will be so glad when this flu bug, is gone...

Thanks for visiting! ~ ggsdolls

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