
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

5 Days in Japan: Day Three

You can read my earlier post here for Day One and Two.

We got up a little after 7am, and got ready for a day of activities... Taby chose for us to go to the Osaka Aquarium, possibly Lego Discovery and shopping.

 A much better shot of the giraffe in the day time. We had to check out of our apartment house. So, we rented a box within the Marketplace to store our luggage. Many hotels were already booked, luckily, we had another apartment house for the next two days.
 The Osaka Aquarium was very nice and the people were so kind and caring. We were able to get a wheelchair at no extra charge, and I could use it through out the day, even to the Marketplace, park and surrounding areas. We felt like, we were celebrities, as the aquarium a staff took us passed the lines, and to the very top floor, the 8th floor.

 When you first enter, there is of course the dome entrance, and you can see the sea life swim above and around you. Very similar to what we have back on Guam with Under Water World.
 On the 8th floor, there was a waterfall, and sea otters swimming about. It was cold at the top floor. to exit we had to take a hidden doorway to the next elevator.
The next floor were other animals, and penguins being fed.

 Taby loved seeing the whale shark most. As you walk down each floor, we are view every angle of this same tank with the whale sharks, manta rays, and sting rays. There were even a school of silver type fish, that when their mouths opened up, it was really big.
 Sara engrossed with the hammer head shark swimming above her...

 These huge king crabs just sat in their tank, mostly very still, that they almost looked fake, until the very large one started to move it one leg! Very creepy looking. But, I know my Dad would say, hey let's break out the barbecue!

We got to this one room, that showcase mostly really small sea animals. It was cold in this room, then it led to a waiting area and a hands on section for kids to touch and feel sea life. But, of course, Sara didn't want to do that. LOL
 As we rested we decided it was time for lunch.

 We went back to the Marketplace and decided on a sit down lunch at a restaurant, where you could watch them cook your meal in front of you. It was quite warm in this place, along with the hot plate on the table in front of you.
 Sara wanted to play chef, so she cooked the rest of our meal for us! We started to walk around the Marketplace for a bit.

But, something caught our eye, as we were heading to the Ferris Wheel. There was a street and a hint of sakura trees?! We decided to use the wheelchair and walk down that street....
 To our surprise, there was a park and finally some cherry blossom trees blooming!! Yay! During the trip so far, in Narita there were no cherry blossoms just yet. Most were still just bulbs. So, for us to finally see open ones was amazing. Sara fell in love with the playground there of course. She didn't want to leave it.

 We were taking photos of all the beautiful trees, and the colors too! There were people having picnics and just enjoying the surroundings.
 As Taby was taking a closer shot for me, the cool breeze would blow and all these beautiful pink, white and hot pink petals would fall on me. I loved it! The close up of the lovely sakura.

 The colors are simply gorgeous, and the sweet smell as well.

 The girls wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel one last time before we heading out to catch the subway to our next apartment stay.

 They were waving to me as I sat below waiting for them. Nope, I didn't want to ride that one again, I felt safer on the ground. LOL We got our luggage and headed to the train station. After about two changes we made it to our hotel loft in the heart of Shinsaibashi Shoji. It was on the 14th floor with an amazing balcony view of the city and shopping streets.
The girls loved the bunk bed loft. They were enjoying it way too much! LOL The apartment opens to the entrance with nice soft almost cushiony wood floors, Enter one way and it leads to the bathroom and washer room with closet. Go straight and you will come to the leather futon sofa, and across a bed, and kitchenette.
 The patio had a table and chairs for us to sit and enjoy the view.
 Sara and Taby holding on because of how high we were.
 I also took a panoramic view.
We went downstairs and got our dinner at the Family Mart close by and stayed in the rest of the evening catching up on email and relaxing. We have another full day ahead of us tomorrow, and Osaka Castle was on the agenda!

Good night Japan!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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