
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

My Finds Come In...

 Here are some unique finds that came in the past weekend...
It was a busy "Father's Day" weekend for me. So, I do hope you all had a great one too!

This quite unique find, I got through Yahoo Auctions. This cutie's face just scream, "You know you want me!" LOL
 A vintage bobble head flocked cat. Though the eyes are stickers, the big head is just too cute to resist...

 I've gotten so a lot of interest on her. I will need to decide either to sell or trade...?

The girls and I went to Kmart to pick up a few things for the beach BBQ, and we decided to look through the toy aisles. Here is a cute cheap toy, Sara liked and the price was nice too! So, I got her and Taby one.
 You are supposed to be able to create stop motion videos with it. How cool!

I bought these interesting vintage white doll flats made in Germany through ebay. I had it on my watch list for some time. I liked that they might fit Gigi. It was listed as Turtle marked Germany doll flats for Hansel & Gretel. Not sure, but that is what it said.

 As soon as I opened them up, and placed them on Gigi's feet, they were big, but I put on some white socks and sure enough they fit just right now! Yay.
 I need to get her longer socks. But don't they look just cute on her? Definitely, keepers...

 Then, I got this cute bunny egg cup, via an IG seller and have plans for it. I will show more soon. But, for now, definitely a keeper.

 Last, this cute Kabaya Sebon Stars necklace with a silhouette of a cute girl. I got these two items from an online Japan shop. I've always wanted to get one of the necklaces above for the cute girl. I believe they come in blue, pink, and yellow.
 This unique Echika cell phone strap, reminded me of another cute mascot. At the moment, I can't seem to remember its name. Ugh. LOL
 So cute anyways... That's all for today!
Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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