
Friday, June 9, 2017

Summer Blues?

Last summer, my kids were complaining they were bored, so, I found a post via facebook using the word, "Bored", giving them things to consider, before they complained about being bored. Ha. It was very helpful.
 This summer, my youngest said, she wanted to go on an adventure. So, here's what I came up with... and posted it via facebook and Instagram!

No matter where you live, this can be done.
Enjoy and I hope this helps for a great summer! Love, - ggsdolls

 Kids bored for the summer? Take them on an adventure... One day out of the week, choose one place on island to explore with them. Example, Inarajan Village, Do a walk through and share the history of the village. Pack lunch and find a spot, sit and talk about what they've just experienced. You'd be surprised to see the learning and bonding that happens😊❤️

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