
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Rare Find Arrived from Thailand!

A rare find arrived from Thailand, today! A fellow collector's shop via IG, had posted that he was selling these lovelies. I quickly messaged him and asked how much? When he responded. I immediately sent payment and he shipped the following week. I was happy to find out, just like Japan, items from Thailand come into Guam quickly. Yay!

 A lovely vintage ceramic cat couple in blue with human faces. These figurines are similar to my lamb mug I got earlier this year. Perhaps also made in Japan? No markings. I love the texture in the way they made the cast. I want to say spaghetti style, but it isn't, like most of the Arnart figurines. So, I will have to do more research.
 They are quite tall, the male is about 12 inches. Look at how adorable they both are. I've never seen them before. Definitely keepers in my collection.

 This adorable set of ceramic love birds are from etsy. Made in China. They are really small for shakers. I fell in love with their eyes and that they remind me of anime birds in Macoto T. artwork or Ayumi Uyama style retro loveliness.
 They both still had their stickers. I believe these are not vintage. Maybe 2000 or earlier. They will be a part of my collection.

I was able to locate another two vintage pin cushion wire chairs. This one is from etsy. I will replace the flowers and rik rak trim only. Still beautiful, even the cushion is in lovely condition.
 This one I found via ebay. I love that the red cushion is not faded. I will keep the cushion as is, and just repaint the chair. More on them later.
Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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