
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fun Photo Shoot with Nana and More!

I decided since I wasn't going to do an actual photo shoot at our family beach, I would create a beach scene indoors for Nana...
 It was fun to try!
 I think though, that using Lumyer to create these cute mini moving videos of the shots are way better! Don't you?

I had a friend order this lovely retro made cat head plush from Asoubouya website. It's small, but still cute. Love the closed eyes and eye lashes too!

I don't own a green one, so he is a cute addition!

Then, via Yahoo Japan, I found the complete set of four "The Bear School" capsule set! Yay! It arrived to me Friday. I quickly opened, and put them all together!

Remember I said, I wanted the girl, got her along with the boy bear and the two little ones! Yippee!
They are just adorable...

Using messenger stickers to dress up the photos! It's fun! My new faves the cute orange and yellow bear, they remind me of Tweedledee and Tweedledum in, "Alice in Wonderland".

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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