
Friday, January 12, 2018

Sweet Oike Toddler Doll

I recently bidded on a vintage baby doll via Yahoo Japan and won. I'm not sure if I've seen her before or not. But, now that she's arrived. I may have...

 I believe she is a vintage Oike Co. doll. I've seen the box titled "Soft Vinyl Doll". From a past auction. But, upon inspection of the doll, there are no markings. So, it might be possible she was an earlier release, maybe early 60s. She comes with her original hat, dress, shoes, underpants, and socks. A bit dingy, and needed a good wash.
 She has such a sweet smile with two teeth peeking out from her mouth. Chubby legs, and arms too! A perfect toddler dolly! Lovely bubble cut hair style too. I just couldn't resist. She will be added to my collection. I also added two red ribbons to her lovely curly locks.

 Just a quick shelfie pic!
 Later, I was able to snag this lonely cutie via etsy. I found him unpurchased and missing its partner, but in great condition! Even the chain is lovely. He will be added to my collection for now.

From the large platter of cookies we got from our Aunt for Christmas, I found this cute plastic toy drum ornament, in plain silver. Then, I decided to make it a bit cuter!
 I took it apart and printed these cute bunnies. Now, it's even more adorable!
 Lovely Meyercord bunnies decorate it. I will definitely be using this in my photos!

I've been having a blast creating more of these cute ads!!
 and this one too!
Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls


  1. hi! i was looking for information about a minnie doll by oike and ended in this blog (very cool btw) and i was wondering if you can help me, i want to know how much a minnie doll sells for and where to find one as in ebay u.s. i had no luck. thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Eduardo, thank you so very much for visiting. Okay, with Oike Minnie dolls, they can go from $50 up to $250 depending on the condition and if she is in original box. You might find her via ebay, but it is very unlikely. She is seen mostly via Yahoo Japan or Japan website's that might sell the one's they find. Email me and I will give you further details. Many hugs and thank you again for your question, Gigi

  2. many many thanks for your help! :)
