
Friday, March 30, 2018

Online finds and A 2nd Trip to Nagoya!

I received this little cutie prior to a quick trip to Nagoya...
I won this cutie via Yahoo Japan, she was quite filthy, and will need some treatment to clear up her face a bit. She came with her original shoes and socks. But, as you can see the original owner put the shoes inside her socks as she wore them. LOL It definitely kept them from getting really dirty, not like the dolls face.
 I have seen these dolls before in many auctions, and they are generally listed as, "Soft Vinyl" dolls. I've seen them with an original box too. Often to me they look, perhaps, like an earlier version of the Oike baby and toddler dolls. Her body shape, hands, legs, etc. are similar to Oike's Sunchan dolls. I will show you a comparison photo.
 She has straight hair with bangs, white shoes with socks, undies, and her original green dress.
 All my girls together. They are the same size between the other Sun chan, but she is bigger than the Oike baby doll.
 She's a great addition to my toddler doll collection.
I also got these vintage retro telephones about 1/6 in scale. Great for use in dioramas with Barbie size dolls or even in my Tadie's house... Just love the colors. Snagged them via IG from a fellow seller.

Yesterday, we left Guam about 7am to Nagoya, Japan. This time we wanted to take Sara so she could see Nagoya, Japan.
 We got in early, and made our way to Aeon Mall in Tokoname, which is like 15 minutes from Nagoya International Airport. You can take the shuttle bus, on platform number 9. There are bus schedules you can pick up at the information desk. Best part is it's FREE!! Yay! We were dropped off at the main entrance, and were greeted by the very large Maneki-Neko, or 'Good Luck' cat you see here. Taby and Sara reluctant to take their photo. Haha!
 We decided to find a mall map and figure out our plan of attack, for the visit. We had most of the day and decided to spend it here. But, first, Sara complained she was hungry, so we went the food court and ate at "Lotteria" a burger joint, of course.
 Japanese style cheese burger and fries, even melon soda. Afterwards, we headed to Taby's favorite place, Amuse Factory or game room! Lots of crane games, gacha machines, video games, photo booths, etc. She loved it, and so did we!

 Taby tried to win this cute huge baby hamster plushie, no luck. Then, Sara tried for the panda, nope. It was not lucky. Then, we found a spot that had a long row of gacha machines. Sat and played them for a bit. Taby got a cute little suitcase with Pinocchio, Mickey, and Lion King dioramas. Sara, got Chip n Dale gachas, and I made sure to get a Sailormoon gacha. A few pics of our winnings at the bottom of this post.

 Definitely not as easy as we had hoped...
My favorite game!! LOL After we left the game room. We walked downstairs and found the Daiso, and also the PeteMo' store. The girls when to the pet store to check it out, while I perused through the Daiso. It was pretty big too, lots and lots to buy, but. I just picked up a few things to bring to my nephews and niece for Easter Sunday.
Afterwards, we sat and decided to get a dessert! We wanted to eat at the crepe shop we saw after lunch. Dessert King was the next stop!
 I got a strawberry milk with tapioca ball whipped treat, and the girls got a strawberry crepe with all the strawberry fixings in it!!
 We walked through a few more shops and decided to rest our tootsies...
 I quite often enjoyed just 'people watching' as we sat. Sara playing her game too.
 Taby showed me that there was a type of vintage toy and candy shop close by and we visited it. Called, "Vintage Vanguard Village" is a type of old used for sale goods that you can buy for cheap. I wanted to look at every corner, but the girls were ready to go. I did see the ddung dolls, and wished I had taken a few more sneak pics of the Poppo Chan doll key chain I almost bought. Darn, oh well.
 Lots of used, preowned anime, vintage toys, etc. even preowned gachas too! Wow. But, I walked away, not buying anything. Maybe next time! On the way over to the mall, I recalled seeing an ice skating rink, a go cart race track, a park with a large play ground. But, sadly Taby wasn't feeling to well, so we decided to head back to the airport, besides, we were worried, we wouldn't make it back in time, if we stayed longer.
 Once outside, we found an area to site and relax, and there was a lot of these re-imagined Maneki-Neko cat statues...

 Once we got back to the airport, we just relaxed. Did some quick looking around and Taby showed me this vintage candy place, like the one in Narita. It definitely had a lot of old style candies, and sadly, the candies even looked like they may have expired, Eek! I just got two Glico Giant Caplico and these tiny donuts to try. Sorry no photo. They even tasted like tiny yeast donuts!
As we sat passing time, Sara opened her gacha from the Amuse Factory...
 It's a tiny suitcase, and when you open it up, a diorama of Mickey from one of his famous scenes! So adorable. Taby got a few of them, trying to get "The Little Mermaid". But, sadly she didn't get it. After we had dinner, we waited for the United counter to open and made our way to our gate. Got on the flight and was home by 1am, exactly. It was a simple leisurely trip, no real plans, just spending time with my girls for Easter Break. Ahhh, love these simple trips. Here's what I got!
I found, these mini blocks sets. I got a few for my relatives from the Daiso store. I also found these umbrella fujiya chocolates. I haven't seen them since I was a teen! I bought the last two.
 These creme biscuits for my family to try on Easter Sunday, this is a small pack, and I got a larger one for Easter.
 The giant Caplico from that candy shop at the airport. Then, the three gachas. One from the Amuse factory, and the other two from the Nagoya Airport.
 A cute memo clip of a chubby panda called, "Mochi Mochi", I got him close to our gate for our flight. The Sailormoon mirror from the Amuse Factory at Aeon, and last the Disney Princess drawer part from the gacha machine by the escalator at the airport.
It was a sweet and simple trip for the girls and I. My how time just flies by these days...
Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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