
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Happy and Rough Couple of Days...

On Tuesday, June 12th, my second child, Tabytha graduated from Southern High School. It was a beautiful ceremony, and an amazing day as well!! I will be forever proud of her and my eldest child, Tevin, who also graduated on June 1st from Air Force boot camp and is now at Tech school. So many beautiful moments the last few weeks. Here are some pics below!

 My son actually went into the Air Force as a second career move from his Assoc. Degree in Graphics Design. So proud of both of them! Now, just have one more child to go, whew! Haha.

Sadly, the day after Taby's graduation, my father in-law passed away. Just Yesterday. It's been hard and reminds me so much of my own mother's passing... We are all doing well and just going through the grieving process. He will be missed...
 Thank you everyone for your heart felt messages and hugs, my family and I truly appreciate it all. God bless you!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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