
Thursday, July 5, 2018

I'm Going on an Adventure!! PART 2

Part One Here!

(I know it's been almost a month since I've posted! LOL Sorry, I've been on an amazing family summer vacation that has been full of so many memorable adventures... So, you will notice, that I will back post so this stays true to the time frame. Thank you for your patience and for reading them!)

  We arrived into Las Vegas about 3:30pm on July 5th. Went straight to the Excalibur hotel to check in. Quite an event, a super long line just to check in. After 45 mins we got our room key, and went straight up to get our bags from door guys, etc. My husband then called his cousin, meet up would be at 7:30pm. So we cruised the strip in our rental car to kill time. Then, went to the Super Walmart next to their house. They lived in a gated community.

 The Excalibur Hotel.

 We met and ate dinner with them. His cousin made red rice, chicken & fish kelaguen. It was delish. Then, the rest of the night up until 11pm we talked! Mostly Sam, his cousin and his Uncle. Auntie and I were mostly listening. We went back to our hotel and slept. By morning on Friday, the plan was to walk the strip, then relax and enjoy our hotel. We put on a lot of sunscreen, and made it a day. Sightseeing resting and walking. Sam said according to his iPhone they walked about 7 miles that day. Hitting the popular hotels like the Luxor, New York New York, Ceasars Palace, and the Venetian. By the time we got back to our rooms, we had a bit of a tan and lots of empty bottles of water. We rested and ate dinner in our hotel. Then walked around a bit and shopped. Last we played at the kids arcade on the basement floor. There was this racing game where you throw balls to get your horse across to the finish line. Sara won a unicorn prize! And Taby got me 2 fuzzy flowers from a crane game, since we couldn’t win a Hello Kitty. Sam played a Star Wars video game too. We got into bed after 12am. LOL

On Saturday, July 7th, we decided to shop at Walmart and spend the day there. Instead, it was drive the strip, to figure out parking for Fremont street. Then we got lost finding the same Walmart we had gone to the day before. So we opted to going to the nearest one. Ate at IHOP, then back to hotel for a bit. Sara found a $5 virtual reality head set at Walmart! She was a happy camper. We left for Fremont. We parked and headed down the Fremont street. At first glance you could tell it was the older Las Vegas spot, then as we walked further down there were a lot of acts and people performing to get money. Some nude! Sara was not happy. It was when we saw a guy, an older guy, in a thong that took the cake and ladies in pasties, ugh. But, my husband wanted us to see this show on the ceiling, it being famous and all. Once it ended we left. It was a bit traumatic for Sara. Luckily, she got over it the next day! Wild place for sure.

Okay, after Fremont we were back at the hotel and had dinner there, then did a bit more shopping. We slept early knowing we had to wake up for the 8 hour drive to Sonora. We packed our bags, just ate our bread, bananas drank water and by 9am got our car and left heading towards Bakersfield, Ca. Along the way we saw those huge wind fans on the side of mountains. Then, the dessert becoming rolling hills with trees. We stopped to eat lunch by 12 noon, in Fresno at an Arby’s. Then, we were off again. Gassing the car, only once. The temps went from 110 degrees to 98 degrees then back to 100 by the time we got to Merced. Once we arrived into Sonora, Sam with Taby navigating, we made good time. We met the manager for Sandy’s house. She gave us the keys and told us to enjoy our stay. We left after off loading our bags for Walmart and got food, snacks, water for our 3 days stay. Sam made spaghetti for dinner. I did laundry and we went to bed by 12 midnight. Whew it was a very long day...

 A beautiful home too! Next, more of Sonora!!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls


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