
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Back Online!!!

It has been forever it seems... Since I've posted. We had a typhoon hit us on Monday, September 10, 2018, at night. The island was without Electricity for 3 days and for us 5 days!! Ugh
Typhoon Mangkhut was to hit us on Tuesday afternoon, so they predicted. Instead it hit us Monday night. The morning of Monday was nice, calm, beautiful. As they say, "The calm before the storm." By Monday night, it was windy and rainy, but nothing too severe. We were told that Mangkhut would hit Rota mostly.

 By Monday, late that night, the power went off. Not sure if it was the storm or the Power company turning it off to prepare for the storm? But, it was out. We just went to bed and prayed the storm would pass with no major damage. Lots of rain, and wind. We heard a crack, but mostly the rain hitting the roof.
By the next morning, Tuesday, it was sunny and you could see all the debris from the trees surrounding our compound. A few trees had broken branches, but nothing major. Phew. Thank you God. So, that morning we walked around the yard and helped Sam pick up leaves, fallen, branches, etc. My brother came down with his family, asking to chill at the beach since there was still no power. So, we went with them for a bit.
 Same thing at the beach, a lot of leaves and branches on the ground. We left them after awhile, and decided to head uptown to see if we could use Wifi. Believe it or not, we parked and used the free wifi here by Docomo. It was good, I got some work done and we went to check our friend's condo and our Cliff condo. Both places were fine. Whew. Cliff had no electricity, just like the rest of us on the island. Most were on generators. We did this for Wednesday also. I listened to the radio station, and heard they would try to get power back on as soon as they could.
 That was not the case. By Thursday, Sara was out of school for most of the week. There was no power to schools and many were used as shelters so they couldn't start school even if they wanted. We drove around during the day to see where the power trucks were in hopes that power would come on soon. Nothing. By Thursday, we stayed at our friend's condo. At least she had power and internet. Whew. It was going to be a long, very long week...

 By Friday, again, because Sara school didn't have power restored, she had no classes. One whole week. Ugh. I know she will have to make that up. By Friday night, it felt like this was getting ridiculous, still no power. I heard that 85 percent of the island was online. But, what in the world was taking them so long?!! No answers. There were many other complaining about the wait. This storm was not a major storm, like a few others we've had in the past. So, why was the power taking so long to be restored? I don't know, but there are many theories.

Finally, today, Saturday early evening about 5:41pm, the power was restored to us here, in the out skirts of Inarajan Village. My sister in law asked, "Are we not important?" The only solace I could give her, was to agree with her. Majority of the island was online by Thursday night, the other 30 percent, was those of us from Talofofo, Malojloj, Merizo, and Umatac. It felt like because we are the smaller communities, they took their time to put us back on the grid. All those with more population and more importance, had first dibs. It sad to think, that may be the case.

Something needs to change... Well, the positive to all this hub-bub, is our island did not suffer major damage and no one died. So, I'm thankful for that and for being alive. God's continued blessings to our little island.

I did receive some vintage goodies while waiting on the power!! I will share in the next post!

 Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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