
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My 3rd Happy Sachiyo Adoption, Yippee!!

I my goodness, its been awhile since I was able to adopt another Happy Sachiyo creation... My previous Happy Sachiyo babies are seen here... I still own my blue bunbun, and he was the last to be adopted, back in April of 2017. It's just very hard to be able to win them through Yahoo Japan, and many other collectors just outbid you for them. And, I don't blame em', there just so darn cute!! LOL

So, while doing my usual browsing of IG, Sachiyo, posted these cute baby bunnies in a pram. I click translate and sure enough, it stated she was listing them for sale on her blog. I immediately went to the blog and checked. She hadn't listed them just yet, but was going too. I messaged her via IG and asked about them. She said they'd be available soon. I carefully waited, during that time, I figured out how to create an account and was able to order them, when they were listed. Yesss! I also noticed that she had a listing for a preorder of her bunnies, and you could choose a color between pink, blue, cream, etc. Oh my gosh, seriously!? Yup. So, I put in an order for a pink bunbun. Sachiyo said it would take about a month to complete. Oh my, a dream of having another came true along with adopting the small baby bunnies! Not long after I purchased the baby bunnies, Sachiyo notified me they were shipped. Truly excited! That was last week... These cute little bunnies arrived to me safe and sound from Okinawa!!

I had to make a Box Opening video of it, enjoy!

Inside the box, was the pram for the baby bunnies, a cute bag made to look like a gumball machine, holding two tiny prams, and gummy bear pins, in blue and pink. A large pram in pink, flowers, two heart pillows, and two little baby bunnies, also in blue and pink. On top of the box, Sachiyo added the tag, and postcards along with a photo of the babies, I adopted. So cute! Upon inspection of the baby bunnies, the blue bunny is made by needle felting, so his body is not movable. Same face as my large blue bunny. The pink bunny is a bit bigger, and her body is more articulate. You can move her arms and legs up and down. So, she is able to sit or stand to pose like my large blue bunny. Just too cute. They each stand about less than 4 inches tall, the blue bun about 3 inches, and the pink bun about 3.5 inches taller.

 Now, onto the photos....

 I have them displayed with my large blue bunny in the dome. Now, I can gaze at them whenever I want too. Like a cute bunny family. I may take out the pink wee bunny to play with or take with me on travels... Teehee!

 Last, my cute business cards came in from I order another set, but with cute nursery decals. Love em' and they match the Happy Sachiyo bunnies too!

 Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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