
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Weather and Other Randomness!

It's been an interesting week of weather and randomness. Just Monday, we heard a storm was developing, by Tuesday, we were on typhoon watch, and on Wednesday COR1 by the evening. Sadly, typhoon Yutu a category 5 storm spared us here on Guam, but not Saipan, Tinian and other islands close by in the CNMI.  I'm thankful it was not more serious, but my heart goes out the our brothers and sisters in the CNMI. Recovery is never easy, but as most of us who have lived on an island know, we will rebuild and recover. That's all we can do.

 Earlier this week, I did receive a box of bottle brush trees, I was able to buy online from Hobby Lobby. I saw a fellow collector share a post of the bottle brush trees on sale at the store. I figured it didn't hurt to check if they had any online. Sure enough, they were, and on sale too! Yay! Bought several for scene shots and decor for the season!

 Then, Taby and I had to make a stop at the Goody Store, I wanted to get some treats for my dear sis in Missouri. So, I will just show some of what I picked up. I found these shaved ice candies in strawberry and melon. They are pretty and yummy too! Melon and yogurt candies were different. Not really for my taste though. I couldn't help but also pick up these cute Mermaid memo sticker pads. I'll be sticking those on customers purchases... Hehe.

 Then, while I was a bit bored, I decided to add some color to the horse figurine, and made him a saddle with pink rik rack. What do you think? It's not permanent, should I decide to let him go. I also adopted this cute pineapple head shaker from Kendyl in New Zealand. Love the faces these give. First time I've seen a pineapple, I usually see them as a pepper, or cabbage maybe.

Counting the many blessings we have and I hope you all are safe and loving life where you are...

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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