
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Upcycle Fun and Voting

On Tuesday, there were no classes. Sara and I left the house early. Mostly my choice, because I enjoy voting early and getting it done. By 8am we had gone to the polls, I voted and got a sticker and was out the door. I spoke with her about the importance of voting, and why. She had shared with me about her class doing a class election and how her teacher had spoken to the class about voting too.

So, it was nice to hear, that both us at home and her teacher at school, were sharing the importance of voting. Yay. Funny thing is, that her class' votes basically yielded the same end result as that of our actual election. She shared with me that majority of her class had voted for Lou Leon Guerrero and Josh Tenorio. Mind you this was on Monday, prior to Tuesday's Election. When she shared that with me, I already knew, that may be the end result... Sure enough, the day after the election. Her class was right. Lou Leon Guerrero and Josh Tenorio won majority of the votes and now, we have our very first woman to hold a governor's title. Women also dominated the Legislature this time around, with 10 women holding the seats and only 5 men. I do hope this means positivity and change will come. One can hope for that, right?!
Sara and I enjoy the early morning, by having breakfast at McD's, her favorite. Then, me doing errands at the PO and Bank. A stop by Payless and the Goody Store, and we were back home by 11am. Yay! It was a busy morning, but we had the afternoon to chill. So, I decided to work on the rack I had gotten the other day...

 Before, the rack had a cute bunny on the glass part, but it was already fading and chipped with foil behind it. I took that off and just wiped away the bunny image. Yup, it was that easy. I then, removed the glass, cardboard backing from the rack and cleaned the rack as best I could. Afterwards, I took it outside to spray paint it with Krylon using white. When it dried, which was fairly quickly here on Guam. I took it back inside and printed out the cute meyercord fawn in blue you see. Funny thing, I had to do it several times, because at first, I thought the glass when replaced sat portrait on the rack, but it didn't it was landscape. So, I had the frustrating fun of printing three time. LOL Don't ask.

In the end, it came out nicely and just the way I thought it would. The letter rack now sits on my end table along with my beloved vintage decor. I can also change out the image should I decide to later on.

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls

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