
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Recreated Vintage Unicorns!

We are in the age of reprinted creations! Since 2016 or maybe earlier, when I've search for vintage items, it was more and more prominent that reprinted products were being created. Many in miniature form.  Last year, an Etsy shop was selling miniature 3D printed pyrex, fireking, and corning miniature bowls, etc. That's great, and in miniature form too for those of us who collect items to redecorate a dollhouse, etc. At first, I didn't think anyone could afford a 3D printer. Then I was told a few years ago, you could go to a library within the States and use their 3D printer to print things if you knew how to create the files, that the printer uses to print the created from. It all sounded complicated and a lot of studying up on and work, let alone, finding someone who owned a 3D printer to use or rent from. These days 3D printing has become more and more affordable, and people are buying them.

A fellow collector via IG, was able to get someone reprint those lovey vintage ceramic unicorns from Japan, that are ornaments. She shared with us on IG that the process was long just to create them. After printing, you had to sand them down. Then, prepare the plastic to allow it to be painted and then a seal coat after the creation is painted. It was quite interesting to read and hear her share with me the process. Now mind you, this is 3D printing, so there will be lines you will see regardless of how many times you sand them down. That is just how the 3D printer creates them. But, to be able to make them in plastic, and much more affordable and easier to find then the real Mccoy?! Is well... worth it, if you don't have the budget for the 'real' thing. Whether or not, it may affect the price of the vintage version? Is a good guess. Then again, maybe it won't, because you have, those collectors who want a genuine unicorn and not a reprinted copy, and that's okay too.

I purchase one of Angela's recreated unicorns, in blue via IG, and I'm so glad I did. Mostly because, I saw she was also selling a set that would help the American Heart Association, so for me, that was a win-win situation for Angela and for American Heart Assoc.! Yippee! Awesome idea too!! And I'm very much inclined to purchase also knowing that it is for a good cause, thank you Angela. My unicorn in blue arrived to me Yesterday the day after my birthday and here is my review.

 This recreation uni is just adorable, Angela painted him in a lovely baby blue hue. She did an amazing job too, and very close to the likeness of the original. You can see the 3D printing lines, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he is plastic and if you drop him, he won't break as easily as ceramic would. Also, he's small enough to fit in your purse or bag for easy travel as well. For my little cutie, I added a pink satin bow to him. He now lives with my other original Uni's in my display cabinet. But, I will often take him out with me on errands and around the island for adventures. If you get a chance, visit Angela's instagram page and look out for her sales on these cuties, if you don't have the budget for the originals. I will definitely be back for one of her larger versions!

Thank you again Angela for affording us the chance to own a rare kitsch cutie!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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