
Sunday, February 3, 2019

Taxes and More Kitsch Kuteness!

The past week has been busy with working on my taxes and trying to get an understanding of the new forms the IRS has put out. Basically, all they did was separate the sections into schedules 1-6. So, if your family doesn't need the other schedules, you don't add them to your 1040. It was actually a lot easier to complete compared to the form last year. So, trust me, it looks like a completely different monster but it isn't. LOL So, I was able to help my brother finish his in just a few hours, and mine in just a day, where as previous years, it took me a week! Haha. So, I'm very happy with myself and thankful I was able to get it done and in record timing too, whew! Now, for a congratulatory party, Whoo hoo!
 The finds that came in this past week... This vintage Korean Easter Chick, can be found often. This cutie I snagged from Etsy, I've seen him in green and mostly yellow. He arrived safely to me and is a furry squeak toy, with a lace collar. He will be added to my small furry rubber squeak collection. Here's a photo of the two I have so far.

 Then, via IG, a fellow collector wrote me asking to trade for an item I had in my shop! She offered, these lovely blue dotted lady bug shakers. I've always admired them from afar and I've seen the whole collection too. Wow, I don't think I will pursue that, but to have these cuties is nice and they will be happy amongst the other shakers in my cabinet. She also added a vintage Rushton white swan plush. She was in the same box, and is just gorgeous. I don't really collect the swans, but after seeing her in person, well, I might, and she is just the cutest too! In lovely condition as well. It was definitely a great trade!

 I love that she still had her ribbon and flowers. She has a rubber beak and plastic eyes with huge green felt eyelashes. I've seen them in pink, black, yellow, and white. I also had a good week of sales so happy mail is on the way for my customers. I truly do appreciate that you all purchase and help to support small businesses. It means a lot to us and our families.

 Last, an updated photo of my Rushton plushies collection!! Have a great week everyone!

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls

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