
Thursday, May 2, 2019

This Shall Pass Too...

If you saw my post via Instagram, here are the details...
 "Collecting has been my passion for the past 27 years. It has been an amazing journey and one that has memories I will cherish. Making money from my passion, helps my passion thrive. But kindness matters most and a love for collecting can turn to yuck, when others start to abuse or try to sabotage the fun, thrill and joy for the rest of us... Think about what you do first before you do things. Would you do that to yourself?"

Well, if you recall, I shared about the three major finds in my latest blog posts. I found out from one of the sellers, that apparently, someone had told her, that the item I bought from her, was worth more $$$. That this person would have paid her more, for it. So, of course the seller, felt that she lost out on making more money on them. I counted five times, she made it known. I was honestly, taken aback. Wait, What?! I asked her if she could share who this person was? But of course, she did not, and that's okay, I have a few ideas of who it may be... I honestly, can't believe that this person, a fellow collector and probably a close friend, would try to sabotage the fact that I found, and bought this item before she had! What is this world of collecting coming too!! This is what we as collectors do, we find collect, keep and eventually sell. Of course I will resell when I'm ready, and yes, I will try to make money, so does everyone else. Duh, no surprise there. That's why we are called, collectors...

At first, I was like this has got to be the last straw, I'm throwing in the towel, and letting you crazy hyper-focused collectors, take over! I'm done. But, you know what! Hell NO! I'm gonna keep on keepin' on folks. I love what I do, and I'm good at what I do. Haters are gonna hate, so keep on hating and whining that you missed out on something. Next time, you find a good deal and get that ISO in your collection, just hope that the way you've treated others in the game, doesn't bite you back in the booty!!

Oh for goodness' sake! It's just ceramics people!! Kindness matters! Be Kind!

 ~ ggsdolls

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