
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Completed WIP!!

It's been a busy week, now that it is Saturday. I'm so glad to have the projects I started on since Wednesday completed! Whew! So, here's what I've been up too!
 I had gotten some candy cabs via Etsy. I wanted to try to take these cute vintage cake topper candy houses, and basically add some candy cabs to them, to make them look more like a candy house! So, I got some ice cream soda cabs, polymer clay lollies, swirl candy cabs, and mini gummy bear cabs. First, I repainted a few to be a bit different from the yellow and pink. The backside of the houses will be blank. After painting, I decided to use Diamond glaze to glue them on. This was trial and error. But, the Diamond glaze actually worked really well in the end. Yippee!!

 The end product. I would love to keep them all, but I won't I will add three of them to my etsy shop soon. They will be great as background decor or as a props in sweet photos perhaps and toys! 2nd project, was to take this lovely vintage Princess wicker sewing basket and upcycle it. I used sea foam blue spray paint, and repainted the basket. I needed to fix the spool shelf, because one side was off of the basket. With Sam's help, I was able to get it stapled back in place and I used gorilla glue to keep it in. After the paint job, I replaced its original legs and waited until the next day to add a vintage Meyercord decal to it. From the four decals I had to choose, I figured this cute crocheting bear would be perfect on the lid. Ta Da! It was completed this morning after adding the string rope and lid back onto the basket. It will be great not only for sewing stuff, but maybe even hiding some cute plushies inside?!

 3rd project, was getting my half doll from this post here, to be displayed. Since trying to find out more about her. I was able to find pin cushion dolls, and decided, to make her into a pin cushion. That way I'll be able to set her on my end table for display. I found a cheap half doll as a replacement. When that doll arrived, I found out she was actually a perfume bottle, underneath. Which actually worked out well, because my half doll had an opening at the bottom where I could insert the bottle cap. I resewed the pink satin around her waist, and Ta Da! She was done, I'm thinking though I may add something else... I didn't mention, that I did have to use an iron to iron out her skirt a bit. Sadly, it being years in a wrinkled state, it ended up just getting wrinkled again. Ugh. Haha.

 Last, I received these two items in the mail today. A vintage Ayumi Uyama style handkerchief with cute animals, and a vintage Rushton Mouse in Pink and White. The handkerchief needs a bit of airing out, or a good wash. Haha. The Mouse was in perfect condition. Nice, clean and bright. I didn't have to do anything to him, except add a satin ribbon and Forget Me Knots. He's huge about 16 inches tall. Oh boy, now, to find a spot for him...

 Thank you for checking my blog post out! ~ ggsdolls

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