
Monday, July 8, 2019

Family Vacay in Osaka and Kyoto!! Pt 1

This year Sam, the girls and I decided to do a few days in Osaka, Japan! He had never really been there, so the girls and I figured lets show him what we've experienced with Judy, two years ago...
We woke up early, as usual because our flight was at 7am! Arrived at our gate with lots of time to spare. Our flight took off on time and while on the plane I was browsing through the airlines magazine and saw an ad for Guam through GVB! It showed a woman snorkeling in the Tumon waters by Two Lover's Point. Nice!! Way to go Guam Vistor's Bureau!! Haha. We arrived into Kansai International airport about 10am. After waiting for my wheel chair, we exited and was escorted down through TSA and then Customs. I was unfortunately ahead of my family, the perks of being escorted in a wheelchair, and waited at baggage claim for them. We got our bearings, money exchange, check, knowing which trains to take to our destination, check! Off we went and here are a few shots of the view from the hour long subway ride. There were two exchanges prior to our destination. One Jr Line, and then to the Chuo Line before arriving in Osakako Station.

 The exit from the Osakako Station, and we headed to our Airbnb. This time we chose to stay at one and it was very nice! Close by Tempozan Ferris Wheel, this one room apartment, had three beds, a bathroom, kitchenette and washer. Great for family stays. You check in yourselves and I like the design as well! Lovely cherry blossoms decals on the wall by the twin beds, and the opposite side was the full size bed, a desk, and seating area in front of the TV. Kiku's place was very nice for our family of four. We even had access to bicycles to use during our stay! Yess!

 We unpacked our bags, got dressed in our relaxed fit clothing and headed out for a late lunch at Tempozan Marketplace! On the way you can see the Ferris Wheel, and I took a snap of the street we headed down from our BnB. Japan is so clean and the area we stayed in was very quiet and empty, actually... At the marketplace, I saw a tired tourist sleep by the Colonel!! LOL  We had a quick lunch at Wendy's, Yes, I know so Japanese, not! LOL We were hungry and wanted a quick bite, sadly most of the places were packed with other tourists grabbing lunch too! Ugh. After finding a spot to sit, in the sea of people. We decided to take Sam on the Tempozan Ferris Wheel. On the way, a Gatcha Room!! I may have to stop by there on the way back inside the marketplace!!

 A quick snap of Sam enjoying his ride on the Ferris Wheel with Taby! Sara and I sat across and it was nicer during the day to ride. The first time I rode two years ago, we went on it at night. Not a good thing unless you like heights!! Sam enjoyed it and we had so much fun. I have to upload videos later for this day... From the Ferris Wheel we could see all of Osaka or at least most. Even the lowest Mountain in Japan by the garden that the girls, Judy and I walked through when there were cherry blossoms...

 After the Ferris wheel, we walked towards the Aquarium side and saw a man performing for the crowd there. He was on a unicycle and juggling swords! Whoa! We decided to get dessert, ice cream from Baskin Robbins, and Crepes at another place. Sara was the only one who had a double scoop of Strawberry Cheese Cake, which had chunks of cheesecake bites, and I believe Cookies and Creme. It was Yummy! Next, a look around the marketplace. We did go back to the Gatcha room, Sam found a hat shop and Taby bought a dress. I found a shop that sold preowned figures and some vintage toys too! What?! I don't recall seeing this place last time we were here, Haha!

 Inside the shop, I could see those people of the world banks, a lot of Astro boy sofubi's, a Jenny doll perhaps, Kewpies, Rosechan bank, etc. But, this trip was for the kids and Sam, so I told myself, I was on a budget. Still it was nice to see what was in there and trust me it took a lot for me not to want to buy everything I saw!! Haha! After, we decided it was time to head back to the apartment, relax and plan our trip for the next day...

 We stopped at a local supermarket and also the 7Eleven to get ready made food for dinner and breakfast. Another look at the Ferris wheel before getting on the elevator to head back. It was a great first day in Osaka!

Part 2

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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