
Friday, July 12, 2019

Just a Few Things!

That was an awesome little family trip. I just wanted to add a few things I forgot to mention. I will also have to go back to each of my trip posts and add video, also taken during the trip...

When we got up early Thursday morning to make the trek back to Kansai Airport, we were early enough that there wasn't many people on the subways. But, we hit a bit of a snag in Bentencho, and almost missed the correct Rapid line to the airport. There was even a bit of a delay and as we sat with the train fill to the brim with people waiting for the train to move. I took this snap. Early morning hours, we saw kids walking to school. Sorry not in the photo. But it was a lovely morning overcast and many still just waking up to start their day in Japan...
 From the slight delay, which is why I was able to get that shot. Of course conductor announced the reason, but it was in Japanese. After about an hour we made it safely to Kansai Airport. Went straight to the United Airlines counter and checked in all of our bags, except our carry-ons. We were light and we wanted to shop prior to TSA, but sadly, there was no time. So instead, we headed straight to our gate, found seats. Then, Taby and I went to check the Family Mart and little shops close by. Sam and Sara stayed at the gate. I bought a few of these chocolate covered strawberries by Franz Japan, some  key chains for the kids, and Peach Kitkat chocolates. Luckily, I had Taby get me more of the Emeboshi snacks from 7/11! I spotted some Gatcha machines by the gate and got a few of them for the kids. Our flight left by 11:15am Japan time and we safely arrived into Guam about 3:30pm, it was raining and at one point the plane had gone through a cloud. All we felt was turbulence and even hit an air pocket and it was like we were falling from the sky for about 3 seconds. Whoosh, I believe I saw the airline stewardess, lift off the ground, Oh my!! Definitely quite the awakening. Eeek!
 The emboshi snack on the left, is basically salted plum with out the seeds or like what we call on Guam, 'Sweet N Sour Seeds'. The Hanko stamp below, I will have to buy a refill for the ink pad. Still it takes practice to allow it to stamp just right...

 I fell in love with this vinyl bag from Seria! A retro design, similar to the vintage children fabric in Japan. There was a purple bag also, which I regret not getting now. Ugh, darn it. Comes with silver ties and little tags with "For You" on them. So kitschy cute!! The tulle hair ties below in rainbow color. I plan to use on one of my Rushton bunnies! I did get two gatchas for myself, one with Koeda-Chan and one Sanrio mini gatcha machine. Recall the Fujiya Peko-Chan spoon from the ice cream cup I got?! Yup, too cute to throw away. Ha!

 I forgot to mention, while Sara and I stayed in the apartment, I took out my travel buddy and took pics of him around the BnB. I simply loved the Cherry blossom decals on the wall, great for background too. The little fake succulent plant and the fake bamboo? The patchwork sofa, was just the cutest in this apt!

 Last, when we checked the mail on the way home. I had one package from Japan. Inside, plastic mini frames with vintage art on them. I ordered four colors. They have replica vintage art on them. I have plans to use these and add vintage art work perhaps or something...

 So glad to be home and I've already opened my Etsy shop back up. Just getting back into the swing of things!

Thank you again for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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