
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Unique Furry Clown Pup!!

Thanking the kitsch Angels today... Yesterday, I received notice via online that two of my Happy mail boxes were being delivered. When I went to my box, there was a key and a pink slip. The key had no marking of which mail box had my package. We started to open all the boxes, lucky on the second try, it was the "U" mail box. Sara took out the package and we both looked at it. The name on the package was not mine! Ugh! I couldn't put the package back in, because, these mail boxes once opened can't be closed except by Postal personnel and their special key. Double ugh. Oh my gosh, you see my regular postal person, is on vacation. Her substitute, is a newby. This is gonna be crazy for a bit... Needless to say, I pick up my pink slip box at Hagatna and returned the package that was not mine. Whew, at least I got one correct package. I made it a point to try to catch the new girl today, and so glad I did! Yess, I told her the situation and what happened. She apologized and I got this cutie today!!

 I've seen this cutie once before, both times on Etsy. I decided to adopt her, because she was quite unique. Most sellers title her a clown, my guess is because of her pompom nose. She is a furry as well, and has the stamp, "Japan". All original and in lovely condition for her age. She does have a hairline crack on her side, but looks like it has been sealed too. Her fur was matted and I brushed her down after cleaning her up. I decided to add to her already unique charm...

 I added some pink and white dotted ruffles as a collar, to make her more clown-like. I replaced her pompom nose with a blue pompom. Last, added some baby blue fur to the top of her head.

 She so cute, so I'm still trying to decide to keep or not too?! Haha! My other box, I didn't open as yet. But, I know it is the other set of Flocked angels. I will need to figure out how to upcycled their look. More on them later...

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

UPDATED:  The next day, I realized I didn't like the blue on her head. So, I redid her in Pink instead. A good friend via IG, Penny, said it best! That it was a bit too harsh for her, was her word. I totally agree. This soft pink was better and you can tease it up too!

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