
Thursday, August 8, 2019

VTG Mary Blaire Plaques, Etc!!

The past few days, have been extremely busy!! Here on Guam the school year has begun for Private schools, and Public schools begin next week. I have family members traveling off island, a new guest studio to get a license for, Sara's orientation for school, a birdhouse repaint, and guesthouse cleaning before the next guests check in by Saturday, whew! And the weather being really rainy is not helping at all. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I'm very blessed and thankful for being able to do what I do, and I love what I do. There just not enough hours in a day to get a lot of it done, and you know what, that is okay too. Haha!

So, to have time to open up my Happy Mail from Instagram was a nice distraction from all the hubbub. I bought a set of vintage plastic Mary Blair nursery plaques from the amazing Vintage Trove Shop. I was just browsing and happened upon the post, showcasing sets of the plaques and then also singles of each plaque. I was like hmmm, should I get myself one of each, and I did, typing in "Me" on each one... Believe me, I was very shocked, that I indeed got all three!! They arrived in a little box, unfortunately crushed on one side. But, inside, each plaque was fine!! Another shocker! Haha.
Mary Blair was an American artist, animator and designer. These plaques were some of the items mass produced and sold in the 1950s and 60s to decorate your nursery with. This set is minty mint, and includes Aladin, Pinocchio, and Little Red Riding Hood. I'm sure there are others. I just need to find a place to hang these up, but where?! LOL A great kitschy cute find for sure! Thanks to Vintage Trove!  I also picked up a cell phone case from GeekOut a store at the MicroMall. It fits my phone too. The anime art on it, is of Miku Hatsune, and she is wearing a school fashion on one side and the other is her as a mermaid. You can guess why I got it... Yup, because she is a mermaid!! Just adorable and I love the colors too!

 Just a few of the gifs I made via IG...
 Then, I sold one of my handmade 3D Mermaid Shadow box on Etsy in the end of July. A fellow lover of mermaids, sweet gypseasiren on IG. She shared her box opening of my creation on her stories and I was just simply touched and truly greatful that she received it and loved my creation. To her and all of my dear customers who has purchased any of my creations, it means the world to me, to hear and know that you like my work. Thank you Sharon, from my heart!! Here are the vids of her box opening via her story! I'm blushing, just watching them! Sadly, they only last 24hours! Next, I received a box from Japan and another from Spain today. The box from Japan held some lovely vintage figurines that are very unique, red and black puppies. Almost clown-like. I will add them to my shop soon! They are lovely too! The box from Spain I will share on my next post...

 Aren't they the cutest! I hope you all are having a great week! Back to cleaning the guesthouse I go! LOL

Thank you for viewing! ~ ggsdolls

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