
Monday, September 2, 2019

VTG Ornaments, Target, Etc!

Hey fellow collectors! I haven't been posting awhile, due to more work via guest rentals. So, I've been busy elsewhere. We are adding to our Airbnb rentals this year and getting the business licenses, website, and studio itself ready, has taken up a lot of my time. But, in the end I know I can get back to what I love most, collecting! I recently was able to buy these cute vintage Japan felt ornament girls via Ebay! They arrived to me in the condition below. Which was not bad, but I definitely wanted to create a different look for at least one of the girls. These cute vintage felt ornament girls are made in Japan and are about 5 inches tall.
 I fixed the girl in red stripes hair and painted in blue eyeshadow, and lashes. The girl in blue stripe, I repainted her brown eyes and added a 2nd dot to her irises. Last, I trimmed their bangs too. Now, both are ready for display. I love ornaments, that you can display year round! So, these gals will be in my cabinet!! What do you think?

 Then, after making the appointment for the inspector for the rental, I stopped by Ross and saw these up for grabs! Stranger Things figures! They only had Eleven and Mike left. Oh well. Still cool and cheap too! I did get Kalani to buy me these cute retro radios from Target. There was only white, that she found in Florida, and I was able to get this teal version via Ebay. I love their retro styling and they are small enough to take with you! Now, I can blast tunes while cleaning in the guesthouse or studio!! Haha! Can't go wrong with $10 deals! Sadly, they are just speakers, no actual radio. But hey, you can live stream a radio station via your phone nowadays!  I also had her get me a cupcake stand in pink, to use for displays.

 Last, I took the vtg birdhouse outside for a photo shoot and my little squirrel. I love the colors against the greenery... Dreamy to me!

 Have a wonderful Labor Day you all!!

 Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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