
Monday, November 11, 2019

Many Rare Items SOLD!!

The past weekend has been a blessing! Thank you so much for shopping with me and adopting many of my rare treasures. There are still more to come, so please check your notifications via Etsy often!! I sold my Fuzbear to someone who I know will love him! My precious Lapin Ficelle also sold and is headed to the mainland USA! I will list my furries too soon, I'm just trying to get more of my treasures photographed, if I don't already have it and ready for packing. Whew, never easy, I have several containers to go through yet still!! Along with the daily grind. Haha!

I do still try to snag a few goodies online, if I can. That's a habit, too hard to break... Mostly, finding dolly fashions for my Walker doll with blue eyes. I have yet to name her!! She will stay with me along with a few other treasures, I just can't part with.

 Cute large Black winking cat coin bank, I've already added to my shop! He's huge! I was thinking about putting fur on him, but decided not too, because he's already adorable by himself. Still has his original rubber stopper! Below, I couldn't help but adopt a Meong/Cotton Candy puppy doll made by Sally House, a S. Korean artist on IG. Her dolls and works are so adorable! I was able to snag one via Kamino Collectibles in France. Patrick, was very accommodating and helpful, awesome service and I got her fast considering she came from Europe! I was so happy that I caught the back order! Definitely a keeper too! Now to find some fashions for her... More on her later, when that comes in!!

 I also found this unopened set of foam animal picks via Yahoo Japan. I've already listed in my shop! They are so nice and minty too! Below, my walker gal, what should I name her? Maybe I'll do a pole via IG to ask your opinion! I found her this lovely mod dress, replaced the snaps and added a red satin tie. She's just the cutest and I love her so...

Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls

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