
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Be My Baby Cherry!!

Last week, I was browsing one of my favorite sites and low and behold, a Miyuki Odani Be My Baby Cherry Doll or I should say two dolls, were listed. I immediately had to make a split decision to get one of them or not too. So, I bought one. The weekend began and I patiently waited to hear from the website, that the doll I had purchased was available for me to pay for... It took a bit longer then usual to get the notification. Because, when I went back to check the site, I noticed that the doll I had purchased the night before, showed it had sold for a lot more then, I recalled purchasing it for. Even the other doll was not there now. I was like ugh, okay, maybe it was not meant to be...

So, I patiently waited til' the next day or two. By the 4th day, I got an email confirming my purchase and to pay the invoice. I was so thrilled, that one, it was the doll I wanted, and two, it was at the cheapest I could get her ever!! The shop didn't charge me one cent more. Yay! So, maybe it was the person's fault who listed her at that lower price. Either way, it was a positive for me! I immediately paid and she shipped this past Sunday and arrived to me today!!

With all that is going on with the coronvirus, she was a welcome positive in my world!! Yess and thank you!
A bit of a box opening above. Back story, I had sold off all my Cherry Chan dolls earlier last year, in a split decision to help my husband pay some bills and also because I decided that I would sell most of my collection, and keep them... But, seeing many of my fellow collector friends share and showcase their lovely Cherry Chans, have made me long for one again. I told myself, that if I ever find the Marshmallow version and for the price that she was given at release date, then, I would buy her. Funny thing was that situation presented itself and I must admit, it was like a sign. Miyuki has created and released many other dolls since the release of the Marshmallow version. But, it's just almost impossible outside of Japan to buy any, even though some websites offer a Cherry Chan, you will still have to win the Lottery they use to sell them. Ugh, not easy to win those either.

Thus why, these dolls are so expensive, I mean in the thousand dollar range, versus the ones that Miyuki sells directly to you, just for a couple hundred. I love Cherry Chan, but not at one thousand dollars a pop. Maybe one day when all the hype dies down. One can hope right?!

Onto this lovely Cherry Chan...

 In the Dolly Bird magazine volume 26 released in September 2017, there was an opportunity for many doll collectors to pre-order your very own Cherry Chan doll named, "Marshmallow" by Miyuki Odani. The pre-orders were larger then Miyuki's original releases, that she sets for general sale. So this version of Cherry chan, were actually sent out later in 2018 or 2019, I believe. Everyone loved the coloring of this doll and her hair too, with the gradual shade of blonde to pinkish, purple. Dubbed a unicorn style looking doll to some. She also boasted to be the first of Miyuki's dolls that had shoes. Prior releases didn't have shoes sold with them. Magazine DollyBird below, that had the postcard you could use to preorder your Cherry with. (not my photo by Hobby Search.)

 I redressed my Cherry Chan in this lovely stripped off the shoulder Spring dress for Barbie. A bit large on the upper half, but I just pulled it back. She is lovely in stripes, and her heels in cream go will with it too! I've missed that face! Welcome home Cherry!

 I tried this blue colored wave looking Chocolate from Narita's Aeon Mall. It was white chocolate with blue food coloring, and the silver sprinkles was salty. So, it was perhaps a sea salt flavoured type. Interesting for sure. Below, I took the lefton mermaid already listed in my shop and my coral decor and created this photo scene. She is available.

Next, I ordered from Japan, more of the Ueki Street gatchas in the set of 5. Yes, I wanted the others since getting the one at the airport. One can't resist their cuteness! Last, I also received this lovely pillow cover by Vinnieboyvintage on Etsy! With one of my favorite Meyercord prints! Can't wait to use this pillow!!

Happy hunting y'all! ~ ggsdolls

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