
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Busy Living!!

It has been a busy and amazing Birthday Month for me. On Feb. 1st, I left for Hawaii, to pick up my only sister who hasn't been to Guam, since 2011. We spent one day in Hawaii. It has gotten a lot more expensive, then we both recall. Eeek! We arrived into Guam earlier last week, and have spent our birthday week sightseeing Guam, shopping, family, etc. You name it. She is also a February baby too. She and I have both been planning this for a few years. And I'm so glad we did!!

Here are just a few pics so far...
 Our hotel room at Alomoana Hotel. It was late when I got in, so we went straight to the hotel, then ate at the food court. By the time we wanted to look around, the mall was closing. Thus, why it was empty and looking like a ghost town. Haha!

 Back on island below...

 The next day, she wanted to sight see. So, we went through the southern side of the island. Many of the scenic stops and even had a birthday lunch with our sister in-laws, and their kids. It was a great lunch too! Afterwards, Lita wanted to do a bit of shopping at Ross, and I spotted some cute things!

 When she left island, the Guam Museum wasn't even built yet. So, I made sure to take her there and she saw my mother in-law's exhibit and also the main exhibit, "The Journey of the Chamoru People." It was beautifully done and made me tear too!! I think one of the artifacts displayed, was from my Parents home in Inarajan?!!

 Day two, she wanted to see 2 Lover's Point, and I also took her to the War in the Pacific Memorial Wall. It was a beautiful day and quite warm too! She is so used to the stateside weather, that Guam's sunny skies are too bright, and the humidity was too much for her. LOL

But, that's okay, at least she is able to visit Guam again, and it won't be long before she travels back. I received quite a few finds since being back home and will post them soon!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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