
Monday, May 11, 2020

Perfume God and More!!

It has been a really trying week. But, Mother's Day was definitely special in a lot of ways. It was a renewing of a family tradition, lots of healing, and the return of some normalcy...

I received two packages of the three that were stuck in limbo, in Japan! Yay! It actually came last week Friday, but the post woman forgot to leave the locker key in my box. Trust me, I was stressed all weekend too! Still, receiving it today, made up for all the unnecessary worry. So, here is what came in!!
First, my long awaited Be My Baby Cherry Isetan Special Release Lilith, Perfume God Doll / リリス  香水の神様!! She was sold in the Isetan stores end of February this year by Miyuki Odani!! I watched as other doll collectors went to the store and got to see the cute mechanical doll display that gave them a gift and a chance to buy a doll that was released daily. I think, there were 7 new doll releases. The one that caught my eye was, Lilith. I was able to get her from a friend, and at a decent price. Whew! She has lovely blue hair. Her fashion is a white with pink ballerina style dress with tulle, a pink bow, a pair of pink and purple shoes, and white laced socks. I could not resist her!! I bought her in middle March expecting to get her prior to the lock down. She has been in mail limbo since then. I was so worried. But, not any more!! What's even better is that I was the first to open her box. It still had the tape tabs on everything!!

 She is just dreamy!! Her and Marshmallow will be friends! The white retro bunny you see below, I also got shipped with another item, shown later in the post. He's tiny and so cute. Just a soft vinyl little bun, with a twist head. Another addition to my smalls collection.

 Next, I actually got these guys a week ago or so, and had to touch up their faces. I love their pastel colors and they are just adorable! See before and after above! From Ebay I forgot to mention.
 In that 2nd box with the cute little white bunny, I got this purple retro fabric! Look closely, notice something? Yup, Rushton plushies are printed on the fabric!! Isn't it just adorable!! I haven't decided yet, what to use the fabric for... a pillow perhaps? A purse? Not sure yet? But, oh my goodness just too cute for words!!

 Then, I also found this lovely small rotary phone, that can play music. Made in USA by Marco Music Crafts Co. of New York. You can lift the hand set, and the tune that plays is called, "When Irish Eyes are Smiling." Wind up key is underneath. It's just cute and adorable and a great piece of history. I remember using this style phone as a teen, talking to my friends!! Perfect size beside my mini Princess Phone too!

 I also got this cute kitsch sticker set from Kitschandkawaii on IG. She was having a fundraiser and had several of these sets up for grabs. I love them! They remind me of many of the vintage figurines I've found through the years and sold. I will treasure these for sure!! I also got a few more of the cute retro kitsch items from that Japan seller, I got the wood posedoll necklaces from. Yup, I couldn't resist getting this boy posey, and the vintage toy flower brooch. Doesn't it remind you of Marina's brooch in the Japan version of The Little Mermaid?!

 Next, this vintage Craftastic book! "How to Make Furry Novelties." Hey, its that Rushton skunk! Oh my, isn't that a Christmas Angel?! And look! Glooks! Haha, it will be fun to try to create a few of these crafty friends...

 Last, I had fun redressing Marshmallow Cherry Chan... Just trying to keep busy while on lock down and self quarantining... How about you?

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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