
Friday, December 18, 2020

ggsdolls Prototype Side Laying Fuzkitty!!!

I just had to share, this cutie, that I made!!

I decided to take one of the rubber faces I got from the Lot and try to make a side laying kitty. But, I didn't have a pattern. So, I tried searching for free ones online. Sadly, there were none, that I felt was what I needed, for my creation. So, I thought it might be best to buy a downloadable pattern, a vintage pattern too. Sure enough, I found one, paid for it, and downloaded it. Next, I printed it out and this is what I came up with, above and below.
Next, I used the Japanese Rushton fabric for the underside of the cat's body. It was a bit tricky to sew, but it turned out lovely. The cat's so fluffy and adorable. I may tweak the pattern a bit, and make a larger one. I was going to trim the fur, but she looks adorable all fluffy!

Like her face is looking up. Her tail is hiding between her legs though. She has a squeak sounder on her left paw, and a tingaling sounder in her upper torso. She is too cute. I posted her earlier today on my Instagram page. Just to share at first, but then, decided to offer her for sale. In just a few minutes, she was adopted!! I was like, wait, no way, what?!! Haha!!

I am truly happy and feeling so much love, that my cute creations are being adopted and by fellow collectors too! It means a lot to me, that you all like them! I try my best to put a lot of love in everything I do, and these babies are a reflection of that!

Thank you for the love you guys! I truly appreciate each and everyone of you!

I'll be making another new furry cutie soon!!

Thanks for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls

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