
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Four Months!!

 ... is how long it took for this beautiful piece of history to arrive to me!! I first, spotted it on Etsy, I believe! It's been so long I've forgotten. No, wait it must've been Instagram. Yup, because then, I went on Etsy to find it and sure enough it was listed. This gorgeous Mid Century Modern cabinet made in Germany from the 1960s. There was a similar end table, that was in blue and pink, also available. But, the blue and yellow and the look, just drew me in. I had to have it, and so I checked the costs via the Etsy shop and went to their online shop, and found it was way cheaper to buy from them directly. So I did, and that was back in November 2020. December came, and nothing, January had come and gone, still nothing. I wrote them and they assured me that it would arrive... February, still tracking had no updates since November. Ugh. This is where my patience started to run out, I must admit. LOL 

Finally, by early March, I had a confirmation that the box had made it into San Francisco's Port. Yay! At least it was stateside, right!! But, it hadn't change since. Then on Friday, my postal person contacted me saying she had a very large box for me and if I could pick it up? I had to take my father to his appointment that day. So, I had to sadly decline her carrying that with her and I would not be able to pick it up. Oh well, I thought and hoped it was the box I had been waiting for... But, now I had to wait just one more day to find out. Haha! Life has its funny moments, doesn't it?! So, on Saturday, she messaged that she took the box with her and if I could meet her. I did, it was the box from Germany. After dropping my Etsy shop customer packages, getting back home wasn't fast enough!

We got home by the afternoon. Then, early evening came and even Sara was asking if I was going to open the box or not. I guess I had waited so long for it to arrive, I wasn't in a hurry anymore. Ha! Sara and I had the box opened, and had taken out the cabinet, I had to use wood glue on some areas that the wood had separated slightly from travel. By 11pm, the cabinet was unboxed, put together and ready to put in my special place... But, it was so late and I was exhausted. I just went to bed... LOL

This morning, I worked on setting it up. Sadly, it won't be able to fit by my bed. Darn it! So, in front of my display cabinet it goes, for now... Just look at this piece of Mid Century History!!

It has black vinyl siding and legs, a pull open cabinet on the left side, and two colored panel pull drawers. The legs are in that oh so amazing mid century design, even the pull knobs are so unique and just simply gorgeous!! Sara kept saying that the cabinet reminded her of my miniature German dollhouse furniture, and it does!! I told her, yup, just like it!! I will have to rearrange my room to accommodate this piece...  Next, I wanted to share this awesome mint on package "Attack-Chan", "攻撃ちゃん" mascot soft vinyl dolls with googly eyes! The characters are a bunny, monkey, bear, and puppy! So cute and adorable. I was trying to decide if I will sell any of them... But, I'm having a hard time. HA!

I also found this lovely Rune Naito Cowboy memo pad. I love the graphics! It even has the song, "Home on the Range" on the inside!! I will probably add this to my shop! I also bought this lovely Rushton shower curtain! Yup, I did. Crazy, I know. But, I may use it for background art or cut it up and sew it into something else... Just adorable and the seller on Ebay can create a custom shower curtains too!! I may have to take him up on that!! You can find him here!

I found this lovely set of vintage toy rings from Yahoo Japan and also this lovely vintage plush pink bunny!! The rings I've been wanting to get for some time, but they always sell out fast or I'm outbidded. So, it was nice to be able to get a set finally. Just look at that pink poodle ring too. Artwork, has to be Rune Naito!! Great items to add to my collection. The Bunny, will stay with me for a bit...

I hope you all have a great month!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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