
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Finally Finished...

 I hope you all had a special Mother's Day this past weekend? Mine was a bevy of gatherings with my 2 siblings and their families and I feel truly blessed. We had a simple gathering on Saturday at our family beach to enjoy my youngest brother's Birthday. Then, Sunday of course we spent it with my Sister In-law at her apt. with my Hubby's family for Mother's Day, and on Monday my siblings and I went to officially celebrate my brother's bday, with a luncheon planned by his beautiful wife. It's so nice to be at peace and just share love between our families and no drama. We are a quiet tight nit family and only a year or so ago, an extended family was the cause of so much drama. Just because this person, I believe, enjoyed seeing our family have it. Haha! God has truly been present with us and our Mother, may she rest in peace knowing all is right in the world.

Okay enough of that tidbit, what did I finally finish you ask?!! It has been a long wait, but I finally got the inspiration to finish a vintage Rushton cutie I've had since March this year. I got her cheap because of all her issues. She was basically falling apart! Her fur was shedding, she was missing her felt palms, and she stunk of mold and mildew. So, I washed her with her stuffing, but ended up having to remove it only because the stuffing still smelled of mold. I remade her paws of felt and sewn them on. I restuffed her and had to figure out how I could fix her missing patches of fur. This was actually my first attempt, similar to what I did for my friend Jame's Panda. How was I going to do this without completely losing the tag she still had on her body... At first, I thought, this plush was the cute and adorable "Pouty Bunny". Shown below.

But, after restuffing her and doing her paws, she does not stand. Instead, she lays on her side. Her fur was two-toned, yellow and peach. Luckily her tail was nice and fluffy still. She had no wires in her ears, so I just left them like that. Her ears were also a lovely peach satin. After that part, I kind of had to sit on restoring her, because that was when I hit a snag and had to figure out how I could move forward with her fur. I love the coloring of it, but could not find fur blended the way hers was. She had patches of fur missing all on the back side of her head, and her back.

While I tried to figure out how I could do this... I bought some items to create the Pouty Bunny you see above...

I found this lovely pink and white gingham vintage cloth diaper and it was about a new born or 0 - 3 month old size. Sure enough it fit her bottom perfectly. Then, I located this lovely vintage pink and white gingham bonnet also for a baby. They both fit her nicely too! I figured it will look great on her and I just have to fix her head part for her fur...

In the end, I finally got inspired over the weekend and finished her head. I had resewn yellow fur, on her missing patches, and trimmed the fur to the same length. You can't really tell, as the bonnet sits on her head. But, it was the best I could do and now, she is finally done and ready to sit in my collection. I just left her ears tucked inside the bonnet. But I may have to make holes for her ears to peek out of the bonnet later, along with one for her bottom's where her poofy tail is supposed to show. I repainted her face and added blush too. She may not be the "Pouty Bunny", but she is still an adorable bunny with more years of love to give!!

Next, I found these two cute vtg squeak toys, I've already added to my shop. A lovely yellow chick and pink bunny. They both still work too! Also, these two lovely vintage iron-ons, an elephant and Little Bo Peep. Lovely additions to my collection. Next, I was commissioned to take this lovely vtg Gund Boopsie Growler Bear and make her into a Chubby Tubby Cherub!!!

She arrived in this condition above and needed just some simple changes. I washed her, then had to take her stuffing out because, she couldn't spin in the washer. LOL Afterwards, I was able to let her dry faster and just restuffed her at this point. I had purchased a few more puffy angel wings and had one to spare for this lovely bear. I began next with her facepaint, and noticed that the only difference between the Boopsie Growler Bears and Chubby Tubby was their irises. Ha, I knew that just with this slight change, this lovely pink and yellow bear would become a Chubby Tubby Cherub. I repainted her and used my Cherub as a guide for her eyes... I added the gold puffy wings and hoped for the best...

TADA! She was done! I added a peach satin bow, and daisy. Now, this Cherub Bear was ready to go home to her Mommy! Her fur turned out so nice and fluffy and new. She smelled of flowers on a spring day with linens hung out to dry... mmmmm!!

Of course I had to take a pic of her with my Cherub too!! Alvina's Cherub bear is huge, she is like 22 inches tall. She will be a welcome cutie in her collection too! I had to take a pic of this group below, before I sold a few of the cuties in it. My My Toy plush group. The two kitties and Lamb were available, but now sold. I will keep the bear and bun...
Have a great week and stay safe!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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