
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

When Life Gives You LEMONS...

 ... make FINA'DENE'(CHamoru word for a spicy dipping sauce)!!

     The past two weeks has been scary, I will admit. I recently had 2 biopsies performed on my right breast, because of an area that caused concern with my Radiologists both from FHP and Guam Radiology Center. They were done and yesterday I had the appointment to find out the results. Of course, it was cancer, but I am told it did not spread, but rather it is in a particular area and can be safely removed. Of course my initial reaction was to freak out, but my doctor gave me the whole song and dance about telling my brain not to freak out, so to speak. LOL, funny how our brains do that no matter what. But he was trying to make the whole situation on a lighter note, if that was any console to me... 

     ...It wasn't. I left the center drove to pick up my middle child. While sitting in the parking lot waiting for her, I cried, and cried, and said in my head, "God this is your will and your will be done." Earlier this year has been quite a roller coaster of emotions, you see I was also diagnosed with Diabetes back in March. My practitioner told me I could reverse it, that it was just up to me, and so I did. I started fasting, no sodas, and didn't tell anyone, not even my husband of my diagnosis. (Well, now he knows.) When I saw my doctor in May, I had beaten that diagnosis, and was told I am no longer diabetic. I was so happy and proud of myself!! I told myself, that I would fight that and I did and won that battle. Now, I guess I just need to tell myself I could fight this one too and I know I will but, still the word "Cancer" can give your brain a play on your emotions. I would not wish any disease on anyone, not even an enemy. Life is far to short to stress over them or any cancer or disease.

     I will have to do an MRI and then meet the next doctor who will do the surgery to remove the cancer and what my options are at this point. Am I scared? Hell yeah! Do I ask myself, why me Lord? Yup. But I have to remind myself of a saying a fellow coworker once shared with me, "God gives us what he believes, we can handle," and I still think that way. I have had many obstacles in life, some easy, some hard, but with all that I have experienced and learned from. I have enjoyed my life and still do. I am proud of who I am as a person, what I've become, and how I continue to live my life trying my best not to stress over any thing if I can help it. Not many of us can say that, and I am content.

Medical bills have been paid and I will need to save up for the new ones. Please check out my shop often I will be adding some items to help pay for my medical bills. My family and I truly appreciate any purchases to help. I will probably do a sale on my Etsy shop to help get more items sold. I will also keep you all posted on the progress of my breast cancer. I truly appreciate your prayers and positive vibes, keep them coming!

Hey, fina'dene' is good with BBQ chicken and red rice!! Just in case you didn't know, LOL

Thank you so much for listening! ~ ggsdolls


  1. Gigi, you will beat this! I'm sending you a boatload of healthy energy! You'll be in my daily affirmations. And I know all your doll friends will be supporting you 100%. <3 <3 <3

    1. Hello dearest Steph, thank you so much dear! I truly appreciate you and all my dearest dolly friends too! ILY dear!! Hugs, Gigi

  2. Hang in there, Miss Gigi! You'll beat it!

    1. Hello dear RM, Thank you so much for all your positivity! It means the world to me dear! Much love, Gigi

  3. Gigi - You got this & Prayer Warriors are on it. I was diagnosed in 2008 with Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Stage 3) Chemo for almost 3 years & have been in remission 13 years this November. Don't give up your dolls & creativity, this will help you get thru the troubled water! I began selling my antiques on eBay after my diagnosis - Something to do when I couldn't sleep at night. Just remember "This too shall PASS" Sending love, hugs & prayers -

    1. Dearest Karen, thank you so very much dear! I'm happy to hear you are in remission, sending you prayers of continued health dear! I truly appreciate your kind words and sharing your story with me! You make me that much braver! Much love dearest, Gigi

  4. Dear, Gigi!! My name is Carol, I'm from Brazil, and your blog is one of my favorite things on the internet. You are on my prayers, and I truly believe everything is going to be fine! God is taking care of you. Sending you all the positivity!! :)

    1. Dearest Carol, Hello, nice to meet you, and thank you so very much for your kindness and prayers. I appreciate you so much dear, that means a lot to me that you enjoy my blog. You made my day!! God bless you and sending you many hugs from Guam, Gigi
