
Thursday, September 30, 2021

"Even the Proudest Spirit...

 ...Can be broken, with love." - Other Mother/Coraline.

I have been working on a restoration, that has taken this whole month to complete... And today, I can finally say, I am done!! Whew! Yay me!! Yippee! Yesss!!

 She came to me as you see her below, missing her ears, her hair, the gingham tie to her diaper, a safety pin, her bow, and she had permanent marker stains on both her eyebrows, along with some missing paint on her irises. She even had some yellow stains on her diaper. I first, washed her of course, and was able to get most of the yellow stains off her diaper. I handmade her ears, using white fur, wires, and founds some pink and white gingham fabric closest to her original ones in my bag of fabrics. I touched up her eyes, and added blush to her cheeks. I tried using alcohol, Magic Eraser, and even repainted her eye brows to try to remove the stains or cover them up. But, nothing worked... UGH!

 So, I decided to use a method that worked for me back in the early 2000s, when I first collected Kiraz dolls from France. You see, I bought a Kiraz doll that had the signature of the original artist on it, but sadly, the signature turned into a blob of nothing, but a stain. So, I used the method most vintage Barbie collectors use for removal of permanent marker, zit cream!! Unless you have the fancy "Twin Pines" version, which I don't! So, I got the next best thing... 10% Benzoyl Peroxide or zit cream. What kind you ask? Any kind as long as it has 10 percent benzoyl peroxide, no extra oils or perfumes of course. But, warning the process takes 4-EVER!! Well, at least to most of us, including myself!! Haha!

I removed the paint and blush I put on with alcohol, cleaned up the area and waited til I found some zit cream. Sure enough my local pharmacy had some. And I got the cheaper version, at 8 dollars a tube. I began on a Friday, and took daily photos of the progress. Of course, the 1st day, didn't show any kind of progress. But, as the days went on, I started to see something. You see, you have to put the cream onto the area that needs the marker removed, mind you to be careful not to place it on the areas you don't want to be. After 24 hours, sometimes 12 hours, you wipe the area with a damp paper towel to remove the cream completely. Check your progress. I did this by taking a photo and comparing it to the day before, so I could see if there was any difference. Reapply the cream and set the plush down somewhere safe, as not to be disturbed. Preferable by a window, you need the sun's light to help the cream work its magic. But, I also found out from a fellow collector, that the cream staying moist, helps it work too. Thus the reapply within a 24 hours period is good to, and some cover it with saran wrap. But, I didn't use that method, just let it air dry and I kept reapplying at least once, within the 12 of that 24 hour period.

By last night, I was done. So, I began working on adding her curly hair she was missing. I had gotten those craft curls you can buy at a craft store or online. I chose pale blonde curls for her. I was tempted to find blue or even pink curls. LOL Maybe I still will do that! I painted her eyebrows a bit, and added the satin bow. TaDa!!

I am so proud of myself for trying the zit cream, now she is way cuter than I expected her to be! A lovely new addition to my collection too!!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Just Keep Busy, Just Keep Busy... the tune of Dori in Finding Nemo! LOL Keeping busy is what I've been up too.

Here's what I've been busy with...

I was able to find this vtg red Dollcraft pouty and yawning plush bear, and I've already restored him and he's listed in my Etsy shop. Quite unique, never seen a pouty and yawning face before, and I didn't know Dollcraft made rubber face plushies too! He is large about 17 inches tall and has a lot of weight to him. I washed him and kept his original stuffing. I added a "Jingle" sounder, and on his right paw is a squeaker too! I hope someone adopts him for Christmas? He would be an awesome cutie under the tree this year!
I also have been falling in love with vintage baby fabric books from the 1950s. Their graphics are what I am drawn too! So vibrant and colorful, they make great props with toys and most especially Plushies! I found a lot of 3 books, "Toys", "Oh Look", and "Washing is Fun". Just look on for the graphics in them and you will see what I mean...    Only one of them has sentences, the others are simple words for baby to learn from.

 A few boxes from Japan also arrived for the shop! I found this adorable Taito Toyfield Kuma Chan Bear pink plush with "Winter" fashion cape. In great condition and I listed it in my shop, it sold fast too! Plushies by Toysfield sell out fast. I will have to look out for more! Next, a commission for Chocoholic shelves, like last time. I had a few asking to find them some. This set sold and is already on its way to its new owner.

I finally won a Ningyo Hime Toei Animation Record! I've been on the hunt for this one too! I've wanted one since back in 2010 or earlier. It is amazing that I didn't get outbidded on it. The record sleeve even has amazing graphics from the movie. And just listen to the song, Marina sings!! Truly a dream come true! One of the last boxes in this week, is a vtg Oike Co. Soft vinyl doll all original with box. She too is already added to my Etsy shop. She is a cutie made prior to Sunchan, I believe. Love her hair and dress!

Next, I found this lovely Froebel Kan boardbook, that I don't have in my collection. Titled: "Playing Animals." This one features a lot of toys and plushies from Japan, like Kamar, Holiday Fair, and Herman Pecker, just to name a few!! A great book for those who love the vintage plush and toys we enjoy!! An adorable toddler dolly dress mint in package. I fell in love with the graphics on it and one can't have too many dolly dresses to play with!! Haha!

This awesome pair from Hot Chocolate, called, "Kitsch Blanket" maryjane shoes is my fave!! I got myself a pair and will wear it with my dolly dress too! It comes in an adorable ice cream sandwich box, and it doubles as a storage box too! Just too cute to wear almost!! LOL Matches all of my decor too! Last for today, is my pink Hello Joe cup, that I've added to my shop too! I think its time for someone else to enjoy it! Be sure to visit my shop, a few items have been added from my collection!!

Thank you for your support of a small business, all proceeds will go towards my medical bills. Be sure to get your annual mammogram. It could save your life! Breast cancer Sucks!!

Be safe my fellow collectors!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

On a Roll...

 I have been on somewhat of a roll the past few weeks... I've found so many rare kitsch cuties, I am a little freaked out!! Here's what I mean...

The Edward Mobley Rajah I found, and the red Fur Kitty too in my last post here!! A few others that haven't arrived as yet...

Now, I found a Lapin con bank that a few of my fellow collector friends have shared a few years now, and I don't often see them. They have mostly been found out in the wild by them. But, recently, I found one and it is an awesome feeling to finally be able too as well!! Yay me!! She is in amazing condition, and is a bit smaller then the versions I've located in France or Japan. The thing is this one is made in Taiwan! But, looks so much like the others and is well made also! She is a coin bank and just too cute!!

I also, found this cutie off Ebay. He's an egg cup. I had seen him before from a fellow collector. Now, to find his partner. I also made his little snow cap from a baby sock!! LOL He's a keeper for sure!

Update on my Breast Cancer journey. My labs results came in and well... There's good news and bad news. The good news is that my lymph nodes came back negative for any cancer cells. The bad news, Doc has to go back in and remove the outer lying tissue of where they found my cancer to make sure they got it all. Ugh. Either that or chemo therapy. I'd rather him go back in and get it done! Now, the wait for my next surgery date. Please make sure to get your annual mammogram. Trust me it saved my life!!

You all be safe and take care!

Thank you for taking a look! ~ ggsdolls

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Finds Rushing in...

 While still waiting for my surgery results from the lab to come in from Hawaii, and seeing my Oncologist for further advice on my breast cancer situation... Here is what came in the mail...

I found and bought these Chocoholic foldable shelves in three colors. Listed it in my shop last week and they sold instantly. I decided to open my Etsy shop back, because, believe it or not. I was bored. My healing is still ongoing, but I felt out of place and just figured, I might as well get some of these goodies sold!! LOL I also received this lovely Chocoholic Alice throw pillow, and it is listed in my shop as well! Unopened too!

I was able to snagged this cute ILoveLULU vampire brooch via Instagram. I couldn't help but get it. Just look at her vampire teeth!! Then, I found this lovely rare red furry kitty coin bank. She was listed then adopted by a fellow collector, and she was in amazing condition! She still had her original sticker and rubber stopper! I was also able to find these lovely vintage Saila doll and doll friend for two fellow collectors. They are already packed and ready to head out in Monday's mail!! Whew, it was a busy weekend for me.

I found this unique Tress Tree wig stand above, the seller was so sweet and even gave me some post cards for free. I also bought this lot of vintage baby buttons. I definitely will use a few on some projects. Too cute! Another set of rabbit fur hair cat figurines, in great condition. They are all original and already added to my Etsy shop! The lot of vintage Meyercord decals, some I will keep and some have already sold via my Etsy shop. Some rare and unique ones included too, Yay me!!

These two amazing vintage Whitman puzzles, I couldn't help but get. It took about a month since the seller sent them by boat, ugh. But, so worth it. I love the birthday puzzle above most! Just look at the little girl and bear having a party. Reminds me of Rushton style bears and their owners... Dreamy kitsch!! I was able to get this lovely Mini Candyland lunch box tin, mostly for the Candyland design. I will use it as a prop with my photos of dolls or toys.

Next, I found a loose vintage Japan doll, and she is actually Chico Chan. Sadly she was nude, and then I realized I had bought one of her fashions earlier this year. Oh my goodness, perfect for her. She has been washed and cleaned up and added to my Etsy shop!! I also, took an adorable photo of Happy and Lily and made a canvas print out of it. I have two of these canvas prints available in my Etsy shop!! Get yourself a copy now!! You can hang it in your kitsch bedroom!!

Last, this amazing find, a vintage Edward Mobley, Rajah squeak toy. He's been bathed, his eyelashes replaced, and some blush added. He now, looks amazing. His squeak works perfectly too!! Just adorable and I am sure a fellow collector will enjoy her immensely!!

That's all for now. Be safe and get your annual Mammogram done!!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Saturday, September 4, 2021

On The Mend...


Thank you all for the well-wishes and prayers. I truly appreciate them. This breast cancer journey has brought me some interesting experiences. In the end, I am very fortunate the cancer was found and removed. Here is how my journey went that morning...

We left the house early, about 7am, because my surgery was moved up an hour earlier. This was the rainbow we saw on the drive up to the Guam Radiology Center. I had to go there first to have pins put in to show my surgeon where to take out the cancerous tissue from my right breast. When we got there it was early and I was taken into a Mammogram x-ray room. They used this device to pinpoint the area. I had just local anesthesia put in and the wires were placed. This is the wall decorated by other cancer survivors, by the waiting area. It gave me some hope, seeing this. God definitely sent many signs of hope to me, that morning.

Afterwards, my husband drove me to GRMC, our newer hospital and the place where my actual surgery would be done. I checked in and upon admissions, was taken to get undressed and put on the lovely attire for surgery... Sam could not stay and wait for me because of COVID protocols. So, he waited for me at our friend's apt. with our daughters.

After being told to take off everything and put on a gown, booties, head cap. I was walked into the area to wait for my surgeon. IV was put in and all the necessary vitals taken. I met all the important people that would be handling my procedure. My anesthesiologist, John, Wilton the nurse who put in my IV. Nurse Sarah, just to name a few. At least, those I remembered the names of. LOL It felt like I was in some hospital in the States. There were 2 local nurses in my team. It was quite a long wait actually. When I was ready for the OR, they wheeled my bed in. I couldn't help but feel like I was in one of those movies, where, the actor was being rushed in because of some life-saving surgery. LOL My mind was like, I should take video of this moment! We were allowed to keep our phones with us! Haha! No, I didn't take any video of it. LOL
I was greeted by an awesome OR staff of people. Each of them were so kind and very helpful if I had any questions. I was given the gas mask and told to take deep breathes. In the process, I was wearing a United Airlines face mask and the only female nurse asked if I worked for United. We made the connection and found out that both our husbands work the same shift and department. She was so kind and held my hand and told me she would take great care of me, they all would. After my third deep breath I was out!

The last thing I remember, is being woken up by the recovery nurse Laura, because my blood pressure was too low. Slowly, she chimed in every 2 or 3 minutes asking if I could hear her as she raised my head side of the bed up. She asked if my husband was close by, I nodded. By about 2:55pm, Sam and the girls were downstairs and ready to pick me up. I was dressed and wheeled out. Finding out, that Nurse Laura's husband was an airline Pilot for United as well!! Haha! She spoke with Sam about that for a bit. I was given my prescriptions and we left.

I didn't feel too much pain, mostly light throbs. My Doctor had made two incisions, one just below my breast, and the other by my armpit. So far so good, is what I was told. Now, a follow up appointment will be needed.

Now, I guess I can say I am a breast cancer survivor.

Enjoy your weekend and thank you all again for your prayers. I truly appreciate you all.

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls