
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Here's Johnny!

 ... a quote from the movie, "The Shining". I recently watched it with Sara last week Thursday. We've had many conversations about horror films and I've told her how my parents always enjoyed a good scary movie. I used to love Horror films, but since having Taby and Sara, I've pretty much steered clear of them. Only to find out later, Sara enjoys them as much as I did as a teen! LOL

Halloween has come and gone, so here's some adorable finds that came in...

I found a vintage doll dress that could somewhat fit my Alice doll. Here she is wearing the dress. I think it looks great on her, a bit snug, but now, she looks more like Alice, then the red dress she had on. I was also given these lovely ceramic bunny hangers from my sister in-law. She had them in her car and wasn't sure who left them while she was moving to her new place. So, she let me have them. They are ceramic bunny hangers or wall hooks. I believe they are 80s, and listed them in my shop. They sold in just a few hours too!

I finally, got these Country Cow sounders, made as joke gifts via my sister in WA. I bought them, but of course, they wouldn't ship to Guam, so I had my sister receive them and she mailed them out to me. I needed them to see if they would work out for my pink Daisy cow. When it arrived, I worked on her over the weekend and was able to replace her foam stuffing into synthetic stuffing and just put this Moo voice box inside. Now, she is just like my purple Daisy and makes the same or similar sounds! Yay! I'll upload a video with her completed and the sound from the voice box. I also adopted this lovely vintage rubber face, handmade by Fleamarque on IG. I love this type of clown face. Just too cute!

From Japan, I found this box of Kanebo pink yarn, still in its box with booklet. I have already added it to my shop. Lovely quality yarn too. Kanebo's mascot is the lovely posedoll you see on the front of the box. Love her, and I hope to find that doll too!! Next, I also got in the mail these lovely Rune Naito retro bag miniatures by Ken Elephant. They are only sold in Japan and haven't been offered outside of Japan as yet. I was able to snag a few and they are seriously too cute. Just like the anime girl bags of the 1960s, these bags, have a tiny mirror and handle. You can definitely use them as props with your favorite doll, like Licca, or Blythe! There are six styles to choose from!

Than, I found a lot of vintage baby bonnets, that I am hoping to use on a cutie I am awaiting to arrive. So more on them later. Next, this lovely Rushton reproduced and aged look advertisement. I added a satin bow to hang it up on my wall. I love it and hope that I can get more. I found this lovely sofubi or soft vinyl tan gal wearing a sailor fashion via Yahoo Japan. I have already listed her in my shop, so she is available too. Love her unique face and fashion!  A Ginny type party dress made by Shillman and mint in package. I added snaps to it and hope to put it on Betsy soon!

A cutie all the way from Australia! I was worried, because sadly, the US is not shipping to Australia, well at least USPS isn't ugh. But it's weird because they can't receive our mail, but yet, we are able to receive mail coming out of Australia. I do hope it changes and soon, I have many collector friends via Australia and I know a few who are waiting to get goods from us here in the US. Ugh. This adorable plush is also a squeak toy. I pressed his tummy and he squeaked. Which I didn't know, and it didn't say in the listing?! Haha, but that's okay, I love him and he's pink!!

Last, this lovely vintage plastic pastel telephone. I have been on the search for this for some time and to find one via an IG sale, was so cool and well awesome!! Generally, when I do see them they sell fast and I must admit I did a little happy dance when I found it was still available. It came with a red and yellow one, but Sara claimed it. Which was fine because I wanted this one mostly! Haha!

Well, I do hope your Halloween and All Souls Day was pleasant? Be safe and take care!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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