
Saturday, May 7, 2022

How to Make a Leaf Money Lei?

 I actually made this lei back in 2015, and noticed that I had not shared it in a post. So, Here I am sharing it... I've also made other money leis here on this page.

Okay, before you begin, you can reuse a shell lei or even a ribbon lei. I generally, would rather upcycle and use a lei that one of my daughters may have been given in the past.

Depending on the denominations you are going to give as a gift will determine how many leaves you can create. I generally do 10 one dollar bills to make it look plenty, but you can also make it simple and use 4 five dollar bills or even 5 ten dollars bills. Plenty is more pretty as compared to simple. But that's in my opinion. Haha!

In Step 1, First you will fold the outer part of the dollar bill inwards. Making one end corner touch the top of the dollar bill on both sides.

Step 2, You will fold the bottom inwards, and keep folding until you reach the end of the dollar bill. You will do this to both sides of the dollar. This helps you be able to do the next step more easily.

Step 3, Now, the bill is ready for you to inter-fold back and forth like an accordion. This inter-folding allows you to create that leaf affect.
In Step 4, Next, the dollar will look like angel wings at this point. You will fold it at the center to make the end meet at the top.
Step 5, Once the tips of the dollar meet, you can fold the tip to one side or the other, so that the dollar somewhat interlocks within itself. I generally add a bit of tape at this point, just to secure the folds. But only on one side, so that the tape doesn't show, when you attach it to the lei.
Step 6, Flip the leaf over so that you see the side without the tape, and spread the folds carefully. Make sure to open open the folds a bit. So, that it looks more as a leaf should. Now, you are ready to add the ribbon or string. You can choose the matching colors of your gift receiver's school theme or favorite colors.
Step 7, I'm using yellow ribbon ties. I cut them at about 6.5 inches long. I take one ribbon tie, and feed it through the bottom of the leaf dollar where the fold meets. Then, I make one knot. Keep the excess ribbon tie for use in the next step.
Step 8, Here, I take the excess ribbon and feed it through the inner fold of the ribbon lei. You can also display the leaves along the lei to help guide you as to the placement of the leaves onto the lei. If that helps. On a shell lei you simply just make a double knot to secure it onto the shell lei.
Step 9, Once you feed the ribbon tie onto the ribbon lei, pull through and tie two knots to secure the leaf dollar onto the ribbon lei. Same on a shell lei as well.
Step 10, Now, that each of the leaves are secured onto the lei, depending on the type of ties you use. If you are using regular satin ribbons, just make a bow. You can take scissors and run through each of the ends of the ribbon ties and create the affect of 'curly cues'. The scissors are perfect to do this, and it makes the excess ribbon ties more uniform and adorable.
You're Done!!! Congrats, now you have a money lei gift for your graduate or promotional!! These are also great for other events, when you want to give a gift of monetary value. It's just the right size, color, etc.! Its fun to make, especially knowing it's a special gift from your amazing handiwork!

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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