
Monday, July 18, 2022

Commission to Space!!

    Well, not really. But one that is space related to a famous family TV show titled, "Lost in Space". No, not the Netflix version, but the good old 1965 version of the TV series. I was commissioned by a fan back in April of this year, named, Robert M. He simply messaged me via Etsy on my Restoration listing asking if I would be interested in transforming a vintage plush chimp he had into the character, "Debbie the Bloop" from the TV series for his collection.

     Of course I was a bit taken aback, only because, my listing was for restorations, and not a complete transformation of a plush into something else. So, I wrote him back asking if I was just to change out the ears? He explained himself better and he sent me photos of Bloop to help. I was somewhat hesitant at first, but the idea of just trying was in my head before I knew I could even make the idea become reality...    

    When the plush chimp arrived, I removed all stuffing and as per usual washed and cleaned her up. I had to wait a week for the black fur to arrive from my supplier. I began immediately when the fur came in, working on her by removing her face and ears to begin the process of creating the dome shaped head that Bloop has. I drew out the pattern for both her head and ears, and began cutting the fur. I had sewn the dome head and decided that foam and stuffing would work to my advantage in creating the dome head Bloop's character had. In the photos above, Bloop's dome head is actually a hat. I thought of creating that at first, like you would with ears for a hat that perhaps, a Blythe doll would wear or one for Cosplay. But, that was not what Robert had wanted. He wanted her head to become this character. I was somewhat fighting within myself, because I restore vintage and didn't want to take away from this vintage plush. In the end, it is what the customer wants that is my job. So, I began the journey of creating 'Bloop'.

    Creating the ears for Bloop was a bit of a conundrum. LOL I knew I could create the pointy ears with wire and the fur fabric, so I did. But, how could I incorporate it onto the existing ears... It was a lot of trial and error. I had completed it up to this point. The head was a bit high, so I took it in some on the top of Bloop's head.
The wires created a perfect high point tip and was sewn into the side of the head with the ears. My first attempt was worthy but, the ears were missing something, I wasn't sure what?! So, I asked my kids, and Tevin suggested I use prosthetic elf ears. It was like a TADA moment!! A light bulb or more like lightening hit me! Yesss! I thanked Tevin for the idea and went to my local Halloween store, of course after calling them, if they had any, and they did in two styles too!! Yippee! Robert also asked me to add more fur around Bloop's hands and feet.

    Early June, I began the idea, hoping that the elf ears would work! But, when I got them home. They were a lot smaller than I had hoped. Ugh. Yes, I did measure the ears before buying them, but I wasn't sure how to incorporate them onto the ears I had already completed. The idea of abandoning what I had created thus far was something I didn't want to walk back at first. So, I decided to cut the elf ears into parts and painstakingly sew and glue them onto the ear that was already on Bloop... My second attempt.

    After sharing the photos with Robert, he was very kind and told me, he thought the ears could be a lot more uniformed. Honestly, I agreed with him. He had wanted me to "Go for the Gold!" was his expression, and my head was still in the save the originality of the chimp mode. Robert made me fully understand that he was okay if I had to cut the ears or alter them. Once I was able to let go of the idea of it being a restoration project, and more of an 'imagineering' one, like that of Disney! I finally, let go. He even liked the idea of the elf ears and did his research to find me ones that were large enough to fit on this Bloop. Sure enough by mid June he had found a set in the UK. Now, I just had to wait for them to arrive to me in the mail. In the meantime, my family and I had gone on our family vacation. When I returned home, sure enough the elf ears were in the mail. Inside the box, was Robert's suggestions along with a diagram of what he wanted and a print out of the actor who played Will and Bloop.

    I truly appreciated the fact that he gave me a bit more instructions as to how we could manage the elf ears and realize them onto Bloop. I began working on Bloop this past week, and here was the end results below. At first, I painted the ears to match skin color as it was a very pale skin tone. But then realized it needed to be more of an orangey brown to match her face, hands and feet skin tone. So I repainted them, and thanks also to Sara who noticed it first and gave me her critique on them. Thanks my girl! Third times the charm!!

The Chimp above before and Bloop after. She looked more like the Bloop she was meant to become. I took photos and shared them with Robert. He was thrilled and appreciated the work I had done. Bloop is now on her way to her forever home. I am so thrilled to have been taken outside of my comfort zone and was able to help realize something that was just an idea a few months ago, into something that is now a reality. I truly appreciate Robert M. for giving me the opportunity to challenge myself and my skills of restoring. Debbie will be forever a plush who has gotten me to believe in myself and what I can make possible.

    It is in being challenged that we find the faults in ourselves and what can be imagined as well. We only need awesome people like Robert to help us realize our true skills. You know what Rob, you are like Walt Disney, your belief in me, made Bloop a reality, and for that I thank you sir!! Robert even shared with me his other reason for wanting Bloop created. But, I won't share what that is yet, until after the event. I hope to be in contact with him to find out how it all went... Bloop's story will continue!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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