
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Looking Closely at the Other Items that came in!!

 While I was in Washington State, I made sure to visit the local ToysRUs store, and while looking thru the isles filled with either Lalaloopsies, or Monster High dolls, at the register I saw these cute little animal pets you can put on a keychain! The octopus is the one that caught my eye, and I just had to have him...believe it or not, he was the only thing I bought in the store!!

 Little Octie just so cute, I had to get him for Tadie! He will be in more photos soon!

 A cute vintage Christmas Ornament bear made in Japan! I just couldn't resist getting him before I left. Now, I at least have the one! LOL

 Cute little vintage Japan elves on the right before, and left after. I wanted to try to make them into baby bunka dolls...they turned out okay^_~

Here's just a quick shot of my Baekdan in her new outfit by SweetPea! I love this style too!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Going thru items in the mail...

 I came home to a stack of boxes, and one really large one from Japan! Yay, some goodies came in that I was hoping would be waiting at home for me when I got back!! Above, Nakajima Seisakusho doll apartment house, cute Lot of Takara Little Love sets/Pico, some cute anime girl items to add to my shop too!!

 I also got a small packet with some anime girl coin wallets, and more Asari-chan dolls for a friend!

 My lovely very expensive Takara Little Love miniature toy sets! Some will be in my collection and some will be going to new homes...

Miniature student desk, so cute and tiny. Has little books, and pencil holder too!

The main reason I wanted this set!! The cute little guitar! Nicely made and heavy, not plastic! I will be adding some of the sets to my shop soon, others will not be for sale...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Friday, October 26, 2012

On Vacation...

I traveled thru Narita Airport, then onto Seattle, Wa. I spent a short week there visiting my Sister and her lovely family for a bit. So, here are a few pics, I wanted to share with you from the trip!

 Yummy Lotte Strawberry Chocolate Chip Monaka! At 120yen it was so yummy! We spotted it when we were on our way to our gate in a vending machine.

 We had a 7 hour layover in the Narita, Japan. I was checking out all the shops, and got some gashapon toys for my girls!!

 Sara and I enjoyed every bite!! She kept telling me she wanted to get more!

 When I got to WA. Tadie was in her case and ready to get out and play!

Here she is again, happy to be out of my purse! Posing on my suitcase, at my sister's apt. It was already really cold and wet there, but luckily, I was ready for the weather!!LOL!

 Cute Rilakkuma cell phone pouch, and cute scented pillow! I did some shopping when I was in WA for things we needed at home...I just hate when it all goes so fast...oh well. I enjoyed ever minute of it!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dolly Basket Purses I made Kawaii!!

I have become smitten by these cute kitschy vintage plastic suitcases, purses and now, baskets! They have inspired me to create even more adorable accessories for your lovely dolly!

Above cute vintage plastic basket bags, stacked in different colors. They even have a latch to lock in place for easy carry!

While doing my usual searches for vintage doll suitcases or purses I came across these amazing basket bags. Then, I realized that I had already owned 2 which were given to me by a dear sweet friend when we were doing a swap! I try to incorporate these cute vintage accessories when doing photo shoots with my dolls outdoors, as seen in some previous postings. But then and idea came to me and I decided to get some cute cabochons that are used in many cute jewelry and other cutesy things and decorate these vintage basket bags with them...and low and behold! I found myself creating some amazing stylish basket bags for your dolly's complete look!

Above, my completed bags with some cute, bow and mod styles, and fruity cute looks!

I know as with any doll owner, who loves dressing and redressing your dolls... bags, purses, etc. just add to a scene or look you are trying to create! I hope to have a few of these basket bags added to my shop soon. Hopefully, when I return from my short trip stateside! Please be sure to keep an eye out for them when the shop is open!

Baekdan modeling the the bags! A closeup of one of my fave mod bag! So cute!

Thanks for reading today's post! - ggsdolls

PS: As for the "Hello Cutie" book giveaway. I will extend the giveaway til' early November! I will announce the winner by November 10th! So don't forget to comment on my posts, this gives you more chances to win a free copy of Pamela's book!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Some lovely flower mats for dolly scenes!

 I've seen flower mats back in spring for decorating a table setting, etc. But trying to find them while they are out of season and online is much harder than I thought. Finally, a dear sweet friend, Gabe was able to get them for me late last month, and they arrived safely to me. I have to remember to look for these the next trip stateside!

The past few days since getting my German Tadie in, I've been trying to figure out better ways to take photos of her. Sadly, the past 2 days was just rainy and overcast with no sun in sight-_-; so out door shots were just not happening... But with these amazing flower mats Gabe found, I am able to take indoor shots that look cute!!

Tadie above waving hello from her flowery garden! I am able to take out the areas I want and replace them in other areas also! So much fun and can make the shots more creative and different!
Lovely Heukdan above also visiting the garden and taking in the floral scenery! Yup, look like dolly postcards to me!!

Thanks for checking out my blog! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Amazing Tadie-Like Doll from Germany!

I've always loved quirky dolls, but this new discovery has made me a bit obsessed to find out more about this doll!! Earlier in October while doing my usual searches via ebay, I came across a doll that was listed as 'Quirky with long neck made in West Germany doll'. I decided to try for her, and to my surprise, was the only bidder and won her! I have been anticipating her arrival the passed few days since seeing that the seller had posted her mid last week!

Finally after Monday being a holiday, and the post being closed, then, Yesterday seeing nothing come in-_-; My anticipation just about exploded, when I got notice of 2 boxes in the mail!! Yippee, Yes she's finally here!
 I opened her quickly and took a peek!
 Sadly, she felt a bit sticky and dirty. Her clothing not so much, but her body and face-_-;

 A shot of her backside. The pokadot shawl was glued to her hair. Which was mohair and in braids.

 I carefully took off the shawl. You can see her body is quite awkward. Super long neck and only twists at the base of the neck. The arms are a bit muscular for my taste, and the body short and without any bending action. Her shoes are painted on.

 Above you can see the marking for 'made in Western Germany' underneath one shoe. I washed her up and cleaned as best I could. Sadly, the areas on her face that had dirt marks did not remove easily. Her freckles were fine, I had to repaint one eyebrow, her pupils white and part of her right eye. Her rosy cheeks and lips need redoing too, but I didn't want to mess up so I just left it as is...

 I ended up removing the mohair wig which was glued onto her head. I was lucky that I remembered I had this short flip wig from a once owned Unoa 2.0. The wig fit her perfectly, and the right style for her too! I also changed her arms out. I did not like the muscular short baby arms. So for now they are a bit long, but it works well with her long neck! I may end up trying to switch her body out all together?? not sure...

 Another shot of her. I must say she does look a lot like Tadie Muz from France with this wig on her. But she is not. I only know that she was advertised in a German toy catalog that I've seen on a friend's flickrstream. I do enjoy a good dolly mystery? So perhaps one day, I will find out more!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Some Scenes with Asari-chan Dolls...

 My dressed Asari-chan girls above and below. Playing with their small kewpie doll!

Thanks for visiting! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Gift from a Dear Friend!!

Since buying the picco Neemo bods. I have been trying to find a head that would work with the size D bods. Most would rather use the larger head to make the body size equal out. I didn't I used an even smaller doll head. My Yumi looks okay, but her large hands and feet make her look a bit off. So, a dear friend of mine from flickr offered her cute obitsu head to me...and I could not resist!

She arrived to me today and I immediately tried her out on the white D bod that I also got! Luckily too, because the normal skin does not match white skin of the head!!

A cute box arrived with cute note and an extra gift. Linda even gave me cat ears to go with this cute head! You are too kind dearest Linda!! Thank ever so much!!

I had to modify the neck a bit to hold the head in place. Still she is cute and so perfect!! Lovely color matching as well. I will try to take an outside shot soon, so you can see the skin coloring without the yellow light-_-;

 Both Picco Neemo bods D white skin/ normal skin. Yumi still cute, but with an obitsu head like the cutie next to her from Linda, even better!! I think I will name her Lyn!!

Such a cutie. I love her pink hair, her anime eyes! She will be a great addition to my dolly collection! Thanks again so much Linda, she is perfect in every way!!

Thanks so much for reading! - ggsdolls
Updated with outside pic above!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Yahoo Japan Small Packet!

Today, I received a few items I was able to get from Japan auctions.

I won this lovely small sketch bag with what looks like artwork by Eico H.. I fell in love with the cute dolly the girl is holding! Then I also won these mip Asari-Chan House of Dolls, nude. Then, a Lot of 2 vintage Taffumaku Ed toy carriages in red and blue.

One of the two carriages I won, I got them cause they were cheap and maybe I could use them in a princess scene or something?

Above and below, nude and dressed Asari-chan dolls. They remind me a lot of Sekiguchi Gege dolls, but in tiny form. Love their cute bodies too! Also like Sekiguchi's kissing dolls...can't think of their names at the moment-_-;

 I was able to find some clothes for them to wear!


Cute bag above. Sadly, the vinyl is wrinkled, but it is mint and still lovely. Smaller than the usual sizes I find, this one is good for carrying your ipad or tablet!

Thank you for reading! - ggsdolls

Monday, October 1, 2012

A cute cart found!

While doing some searches for other carts...I found this cute vintage one that was an Easter decoration, and I decided to do something different with it!

Above is seller's photo: Still a cute vintage Easter decor, I took out the baby chick and flowers. My daughter fell in love with the baby chick, so I allowed her to have it.

The cart is a bit small for Doran Doran, but still cute in this photo of "Selling Vintage Toys at the Flea Market". I wanted to try to find another cart I could place next to the Candy Candy snack cart I own, and have the girls look like sellers at a flea market or fair...Maybe it still can be done? hmmm^_~

Thanks for reading1 - ggsdolls