
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Apple by Atomaru is here!!

Wow, my birthday gift to myself arrived so quickly!! I still watch for Atomaru's newest release on her lovely dolls...Even though as of late, I've been more focused on my doll rooms. Still, in late January when Atomaru announced the order time for international buyers on the 3rd release of her dolls, I couldn't help but make sure I got my order in!! Just before my vacation trip, I made sure I sent her my email and bought one of the lovely aram "Pine-apple" dolls!!

I decided on "Apple", since this time around I was only able to afford one of her lovely dolls-_-; Though, when my order went thru, I confused Atomaru, and she thought I wanted both girls...eek! I wish I could have, ugh...oh well. Still, I had to set the record straight and told her only "Apple". She must have worked on them earlier before the order period because, I was surprised when she emailed me back saying they'd be ready by mid-Feb.!!

In addition to my ordering Apple, I also, inquired last summer about her owl bag, and was able to buy one she had left over from a doll show!! I was so happy, cause I had always wanted one of them!!

When I left this morning to check the mail, I assumed I'd either have something come in for my doll rooms, or no mail at all. I wasn't expecting my Apple to arrive, especially since I had used the cheaper mailing service!? But no complaints here!!LOL

 The box above!! Even the mail clerk asked,"Oh, so you collect dolls?" I thought she knew that by now, since she'd been our mail clerk since, November...LOL! Oh well...I think she was secretly curious on how to order!

Inside, stickers, owl bag, and Apple! It was nice to have the English version of the tags, cause my other girls tags were all in Korean. Which was fine with me, only that I didn't know what it, I do!!

 She is so sweet with her bowed-legs, and bright yellow hair!! Her cheeks have such nice thick blush. My other girls are slowly losing theirs-_-;

 Of course I redressed her, and she now wears the owl bag too! I love her so much. Can't wait to do more pics on her! Especially outside shots, with her bright hair!

All my Aram Doran Doran dolls, Apple/left, Heukdan/center, and Baekdan/right. They are nicely displayed in my doll cabinet, so I can gaze upon them from time to time...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Replacement walls arrive!! Part Uno

I've been trying to find replacement walls to my Miner rooms set since getting the set back in January. I've looked at craft stores while I was in Olympia, WA, but found nothing. I've gone to our local craft stores here on Guam and even Home Depot, and the closest I've found was a thickness of 3/16" which is too wide for the frames groove.

So, I opted to search online. On the bay, the closest I found was a room box pre-made with walls thickness in the size of 1/8", which is what I needed. Of course the seller would not sell me just the wall panels, so I ended up purchasing the set at about 12". Just so that I would have enough to work with as I cut away at the walls to make the same measurements the frame needed. Sadly, besides the 12" set, the next one smaller was 10" and I needed the walls length to be at least 10 1/2! Ugh, oh well, this will have to do...

Surprisingly, the kit arrived to me so quickly. I started to work on the measurements(Thanks to dear Christine of Call Small, she was so kind to give the actual measurements of her kit's walls!), and used a jigsaw to cut off the excess...

 In the end, the walls fit and the frame as you can see above fits nicely. I was a bit jiggly with the jigsaw, and there's a bit of a wobble. But still it worked and now, all I have to do is paint the wall to be similar to the living rm set, dining, that you see on the box, etc.

I tried out the joints to be sure they fit and just put in the set to see what it might look like?! Looking good so far!! Yay!

I will share more with you soon, as I slowly get my set completed!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Monday, February 25, 2013

Switching Heads...

I recently won a cute squeak toy dolly made in Japan on the bay, really cheap! I decided when she arrived today to try her out on the unknown dolly body I won a week ago?!!

 Her head was a bit snug, but so cute. I decided to keep her on this body. I actually didn't think I'd win the squeak doll, because of the cute dress she wore. She had the same cute applique's that you'd see on retro vintage dollies from Japan. Also, I noticed that the trim on her dress is the same trim used on the blue dress of the other doll! This definitely gave me an indication that they were made around the same time frame, using similar fabric. I am still keeping the London Bob head, just storing it away.

Squeak doll on the right, when you press her head down she squeaks! Cute dress too, with those chubby arms!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Friday, February 22, 2013

Gab, gab, gab...

Today, a new friend comes to visit with my MPC lady in the Irwin/Miner room! I found her loose on the bay and she is a welcome addition to the house!

Now, I have one sitting MPC figure and one standing. They both fit this scale nicely. I also rearranged the room and added a separating wall to include the dining area.

 This will do for now, til' I get the some MDF boards in...ugh, time!

I wonder what they are talking about?!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Some additions to the room!

While I was away, I packed and stored my Irwin and Miner room. But sadly it took me a little over a week to finally get some inspiration to take them out, and try the beads I got from Joann's Craft store in WA. Well, also other reasons prompted me to take out the sets!! LOL!

 I needed to take measurements of the Miner frames to figure out the size of the replacement walls for the room frames! So, doing that helped me to decorate the room and showcase some of the cute beads I got, along with a Teenet Lady figure I acquired in a lot of Irwin family dolls from the bay! I've been trying to find a dolly to live in my Miners' rooms and I've actually found part of the family that goes in the Irwin Decorator set, Mom, Dad, and son. I'm just missing the daughter. They're a bit too big for the Miners set, but the teenet lady works better.

 Above you can see the vases inside the shelves are actually beads! While checking out Joann's I fell in love with a pack of white, teal(blue), and terra cotta colored beads. The terra cotta bead is hiding just below the yellow books.

 I also received in the mail the orange set of containers with yellow lids via the bay today. I've always wanted that set and finally got it! A bit large for this scale but I just couldn't resist putting them in.

 The teenet looks nice with this scale of furniture. So, at least when I set up the rooms, I have a dolly to place in it!!

I would really like to be able to set up the Miners' frame and walls...hopefully soon? I'm working on getting some replacement carpets for it too! It's all slowly coming together! Whew!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Small Package from Japan! Yippee!

It's been so long since I've gotten something from Japan. So, it was nice to go to the mail and see a pink slip and received some treasures I had found thru Yahoo Japan, while I was away on my trip!

 Yup, while I was away, I found this lovely My Little Tomy Rooms - Bedroom set! The seller had another set up for auction, but I already owned the garden no. 1 set. This bedroom set would be a great addition to my collection! So, I bidded, and was able to win the set with no bidding war!

Same box above, only with the side panel showcasing the bedroom set and furniture. Below, as you can see the lovely set is mint, with closet, dresser with mirror, stool, and bed.

 The box was really torn up, but it was amazing to see that the bedroom furniture and the room itself was in nice, minty condition!

 Here you can see that the Jenny's small room is a lot smaller than the Tomy room. So I will not be able to use it together. I guess Jenny's room are more so for the 1:24 scale furniture, where as, the Tomy rm's are for 1:18 scale. But as you can see the Jenny's rm door is almost similar in the way the tomy rm door is made.

 Above, I added some rement to the room. If I had time, I would've also stacked the rooms up with the other 4 sets I have. Now, I have 5 sets in all which include the living room, the study room, the bath room, the bed room, and garden. All I am missing is the kitchen and no. 2 garden set!

 Inside the box for the Tomy Room, I also received another small Machy baby doll. This one is maybe later in age, than the other two I've found? She is a bit larger, has sucking thumbs and a pacifier, along with yarn for hair. My first two Machy do not have hands and are a bit smaller in size as seen below.

Still, she is a lovely addition to my small stuffed baby dolls! Now, I may have too many!?LOL!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Long Lost Purchase Arrives!

USPS has finally redeemed themselves and today, and I have cause to celebrate! First, a sweet buyer from my shop on etsy, messaged me to say that he received the long lost package from November! I was flabbergasted, I just wanted to scream! Knowing this gave me hope that a package I had never received back in December, may in fact be found and the 2 dollies inside will make it home to me??!...One can hope right?!

Then, I also received in the mail, a doll I had purchased a month ago from Peru! Yup, all the way over there. The seller thru the bay was so nice and always kept a constant contact with me, but I was about to be even more disappointed with USPS, and simply just stop buying online...Yeah, right!!LOL

But this little dolly made it safely home to me, and it gives me more hope that it can only get better!

 Above my unknown doll made in Japan. Both her head and body say 'made in Japan'. But I've seen the head before, on dolls that are called,"London Bob" holding cardboard guitars. This dolly however,
has a different body, with painted on red shoes.

 Not sure what else is known about this doll, but she's funny, and quirky. I like her big head and freckles! Probably a cheap dime store style doll or souvenir? Well, I am sure I will find out...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Monday, February 11, 2013

Looky what was waiting for me when I got home!!

When we got home from the trip, I looked at my dresser and neatly placed in a pile, by my hubby was all the mail that came in, while I was gone!!

 Goodness me!

 I received a small room for Jenny's home manufactured by Spot-On. These rooms are very similar to my Tomy room's made in Japan. I just wanted this small room to add to my Tomy Room's doll house. So, the next time I put them together it will be interesting to see how they are similar. I found this one via etsy!

 While searching for more Irwin rooms on the bay, I found part of the family that goes with the decorator set. Above, dad, mom, son, a picture frame, just missing the daughter!

 Above a big eye knee hugger, I've been trying to find and finally, own! She was on the bay but listed under another dolls name!! It pays to search carefully! She is a red head version with the black n yellow dots, and even has her loafers on! I am guessing she is a smaller version. I don't know much else about her

 Another addition to my Aral rubber doll figures. Here is a lovely red head with freckles to keep my lonely boy company!
Christmas Lucky bag from Supabonbon! I bought 3 of them and sadly, it just took too long to arrive to me. But I must admit I am still happy with the surprises! My faves are the two in the center!!

 Then, here is what I got dolly-wise during my trip. Cute aztec style beads from Joann's Craft store. I love the earthy colors and I am hoping to use them in my Miner's room decor!! or Irwin!! Their like tiny pottery or sculpture decor...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let's Hope We Make It Home?!

 Early morning in Narita, Japan. Here is a view from our hotel room. Yup, we are right next door to the airport. It was a nice room and I was glad we got a place to stay the night. The girls and I got ready, and we relaxed a bit before catching the shuttle to the airport!

 Sara and Tabs relaxing and getting their things all packed in hopes we make it out to Guam?!

We got to the Airport, and had to wait in the check in counter area...sadly, the United counter was not open yet. So, when it did, we hurried to got thru security check and then to sit at our gate and have breakfast! We found a sushi shop close to the gate and got Inori sushi, etc. It was yummy and it went well with the Kettle classic chips we got from a previous flight!

Thank goodness by about 10:55am, we made it on the flight and it was back to Guam for us. We truly enjoyed our time and was even more so happy we got to go home! Yay!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Saturday, February 9, 2013

In Narita!

Yup, we were suppose to take a flight back thru San Francisco, then to Honolulu, and then Guam, but the flights were booked so we couldn't get home that way... we took another.

 From Sea-Tac Airport into Narita, we were excited and happy to know we had about 5 hours layover. So, we relaxed, ate, then did some shopping. The girls mostly loved the gashapon toy machines and bought what they wanted! I ended up getting a few strawberry mochi boxes for family to try.

The drink above was yummy! Like lemon lipton tea! We got to our gate early and waited for the flight to board...

Above some vending machine ice cream!

This was the second time Sara and I had tried the ice cream vending machines and she wanted the same one from last trip. I of course wanted to try something different. Both were delicious!

 Yup, got myself a gashapon too!! LOL. Sadly, while waiting for our seats to be given, we found out that the flight was overbooked due to another flight being cancelled and then all those passengers were sent to our flight! I was not expecting that! Last I had checked, the flight was wide open and we were the first on the list to be called!!

But...We ended up being bumped anyways, it was 10pm almost 11, and the girls were so tired! Sara was still sick and she had fallen asleep at the gate waiting for us to board. She ended up being fussy when we left, it was so frustrating...We were able to get a room at the Narita Airport Hotel Resthouse. I was so glad, cause I had heard it was a holiday and most of the rooms were booked!

Once we checked in Sara just went back to sleep. We changed into jammies and went to bed as well! One nite in Narita...we can only hope to make it out tomorrow!?

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Headed for snow country!

My niece and her fiancée took the girls and I to Snoqualmie Pass, WA! Just so Taby could see snow! Yup, it was both girls first time too! They had a blast and loved it! It was priceless to see and hear my youngest Daughter scream snow!! Yup, as you can see we weren't dressed for it, but, it was nice for a very short visit!

Thanks for reading! -ggsdolls

Tacoma Mall and Krispy Kremes!

My sister took the girls and I too Tacoma Mall. It was nice and we left with about 2 dozen of original Krispy Kreme donuts! I also got a white chocolate mocha coffee, nom, nommy!

Of course it was shared amongst my sister and her family when we got home! We need one on Guam! There were many lovely shops in the mall, but I guess, I find more good buys at home online!!

Sara was able to find some cute boots at Payless shoes! Soon it will be time for us to pack up-_-;
Why is it that time flies when you r having fun!? Ugh...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Westfield Mall...

We decided to do some shopping at the local mall. Also checked Joann's and Michael's! We've been doing some shopping here n there! Hopefully we will check out a Toys R Us!?

Below is a pic of Sara's one eyed monster keychain - "Mike w.! - ggsdolls

Saturday, February 2, 2013


We made it safely to our destination! Sadly, we didn't have much time to spend when we got to Narita Airport... So, all I have to share thus far is an iPad shot that Taby took. I hope to do some craft store shopping while here and maybe thrift stores too? Just a short note - ggsdolls