
Friday, March 29, 2013

Living Room Finished!!

Finally, I was able to finish the walls for the Rooms in Miniature living rm set! I received the last set of walls and worked on them today. I also bought a lighter blue can of spray paint as compared to the teal I bought from my last post! I think the only pieces not in the set now, are just the 2 square side tables.

Whew, its nice to be done with a project that started back in January when I first purchased the Dining and Bedrm set!

 Above, the living room set with a few added items, like an extra chair, and cabinets. I was able to reprint the photo above the sofa using the photo seen on the box.

 I also redid the flowers on the coffee table. I got these tiny flower bushes from Wee Scapes thru Joann's online. Even the scrapbook paper arrived today...a month later...oh well. I decided not to use them.

 I was able to find the tiny typewriter that goes into the bedrm set! Now, to decide which color I want to use?!LOL!

Above photo not mine, but the seller's photo of the bedrm set with the tiny typewriter. It's blue, not the color green as shown on the box. Well, at least I was able to find green and pink. I can use either for the bedrm set, which has the same color scheme. I was truly surprised to find them on the bay and they must be from around the same time frame as the one in blue shown above, 1960s.

I also got in the mail some rement! A bit large for this scale, but I will use them in my other houses or room scenes!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tiny Additions to the Room!

While trying to find tiny candles to go in the candle holders for the dining room. I came across a seller thru ebay that had some unique and truly colorful tiny candles that would look nice in my rooms! I decided to go ahead and buy them and they arrived to me today!

Emily of, The Crafty Corners, on ebay, created some beautifully made tiny 1:12 scale candles you can use to decorate any doll house or room! Above and below, I chose 3 sets in blue, yellow, and pink.
 She has them in round or square candles and they are either on a lovely wood tray or mirror. She has them with rocks, and some candles with glitter! I can't wait to use the pink and yellow ones in the other rooms! Truly lovely and the colors are so nice and bright too!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Continued Progress, Part Tres!

I woke up early this morning with the intent on finding something I could use to color the walls of the Miner rooms!! I thought about it all last nite as I went to bed. I figured I could use wallpaper, since it might be impossible to find the paint for the walls...So, Sara and I left the house just a bit after 9am, ate breakfast uptown and headed to our local craft store! Sadly, the craft store wasn't open til' 10am-_-; So, I decided that we'd go to Kmart and check to see if I could find paint or contact paper, something!!

But no luck, the closest I found was a dark wood color contact paper, a bit too dark for what I needed, and it was already almost 11am! My last resort was to go to Home Depot. I had gone there just Monday, looking for paint, but didn't find any, because I was in such a rush.

So, this time, I took my time and while walking up and down a few isles, I came across the section where they had contact paper! Sure enough they had a lighter wood print then the "dark tropical" wood print I saw at Kmart. So I placed that baby in my cart. Then as I worked my way down, I was looking for an isle that had wallpaper, but ended up at the spray paint section instead. I was in that same isle Monday, I didn't notice that there were some lovely colored Rust Oleum spray paints in satin colors that would work perfectly for the rooms! So, as I browsed, I read the labels, and it said that it was good for wood, metal, and plastic. So, I decided on three colors, green apple, summer squash, and lagoon. I figured, I could test it out on the extra cut outs to see if the mdf boards could take the paint or not?

As soon as I got home I tested them out!! To my surprise and content, it worked only on the side in white, the other side, would only soak the paint and leave a lot of blotchy areas. So, the idea came that I could paint the white side, and use the wood contact paper on the other!! You see, at first, I was going to paint one side, one color and the other a different, but I guess it worked the way the original walls actually looked, one side painted the other in the wood decor!! But I would need to get another set for the living room later on...oh well.

 I spray coated the walls twice, and sure enough it turned out lovely! As you can see above, the inside walls are green and the outside walls in wood.

 I love that it turned out great and with the matching colors too. The bedroom is almost complete, just missing the tiny typewriter!!

 I took a closeup shot of the tiny vase with the dried flowers. I need to find a larger white vase for each of the rooms.
 Above, the completed dining room set. The summer squash is beautiful and just like the original photo of this room!

 My candle holders are in gold, not like the white one's in the original set, but they still look lovely, and I found them in 1:24 scale too! So, I am not complaining. I do need candles though...LOL!
 I flip the bedroom walls and used the wood color side for the living room set. A bit darker than the original, but not bad I must say. I am a very happy camper today!! It all fell into place...Yay, me!!

 More shots of the living room above and below. If you look carefully you can see that the fabric for the pillows on the sofa is a bit off! I may redo them just so they'd match the sofa better!

If you ever get a chance to find yourself a rooms in miniature set. You will instantly fall in love! I know I have! It's been fun trying to find things to replace those that are missing in each of the rooms!

more soon!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Progress with Miner Rooms, Part Dos!

Well, since selling off many of my beloved dolls and treasures. I decided that my doll rooms, are NOT going!! So, I've been working on finding and replacing items that go into each of my Rooms in Miniature. The last post here, talks about me finding the of Yesterday there is a bit more!

Since I was not able to locate the bed that goes into the bedrm set. I decided to go with a dear friend on etsy, who talents in beautifully made mid century modern furniture, surpasses even my most wildest dreams! Patie of minisx2, took on the job and in less than a day produced a beautiful replica of the bed that I needed for the room! I could not believe my eyes when it arrived to me!

See for yourself...
 All I did was give her the measurements, or at least the closest to what I thought it might be, and two photos of what the bed looked like from photos in my search thru google! Above, she also added some extra legs should the one's she placed on the bed, be too tall for me. How sweet is she!!

 The bottom side of the bed. She did an amazing job, and she offers many lovely modern pieces in her shop. So check it out!! For now, this beautiful replica will remain in the room, til' I can find the real Mccoy!LOL
What the bedroom set looks like above. The pattern fabric is quite different from what was produced, possibly or were there different patterns sold, not sure? Instead mine is a pink rose fabric, you see below. I covered the wood mattress in the same print as the chair and pillows. Yup, just copied the pattern, placed in microsoft word, kept adding the pattern til' I had a sheet and printed that baby out! I used the same method to recreate the missing pillows on the sofa I have!

 Majority of the pieces are in the room. I just need to paint the walls in the corresponding colors that were in each set. I was able to find and use a white lamp and vase from another dolls room set. A yellow lamp shade from another, and just waiting on one other item. I even found a replacement to the tiny dried flowers that go into each set! Then my bed room set will be complete. I am still trying to figure out what to use for the wall clock?

Most of the pieces are interchangeable with the other room sets. Like above, the Dining room set. Almost complete as well. I just need to paint the walls...Still, its nice to see something come together slowly and the process it took to get it there!

As for other dollies and toys etc. I ended up taking a break from searching thru to see what is going or not...I hope to get back to it soon so you will see some new items added here and there in my shop!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Items Available! Updated!

More Books/magazines added below!!

Hey again, below are items that are not considered vintage, so I am showcasing them here on my blog in case you are interested! Just message me or email me at ggdolls1971(at)yahoo(dot)com! Thanks! - ggsdolls
Books above! Great for vintage doll collectors of Licca and other Japan made dolls. There written in Japanese, but I love the photos and you can see some rare items too. I often use them for references. Some English subtitles. ((Updated: Beans and Licca Book are gone!))

 Above and below, a dress made by Dollmore for 55cm ABJD's. I used to own back in 2007!! Dress in lovely condition and stored away all this time!!

Below a lovely dress I acquired when I used to own a Unoa Quluts 2.0. Lovely dress can fit Tyler dolls too! Made by Japan artist Petitechop!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Major Changes!!

Hey all, just to let you know that many of my beloved treasures are slowly being added to my etsy shop! So please check it out!! Most if not all will go!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls