
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Progress with Miner Rooms, Part Dos!

Well, since selling off many of my beloved dolls and treasures. I decided that my doll rooms, are NOT going!! So, I've been working on finding and replacing items that go into each of my Rooms in Miniature. The last post here, talks about me finding the of Yesterday there is a bit more!

Since I was not able to locate the bed that goes into the bedrm set. I decided to go with a dear friend on etsy, who talents in beautifully made mid century modern furniture, surpasses even my most wildest dreams! Patie of minisx2, took on the job and in less than a day produced a beautiful replica of the bed that I needed for the room! I could not believe my eyes when it arrived to me!

See for yourself...
 All I did was give her the measurements, or at least the closest to what I thought it might be, and two photos of what the bed looked like from photos in my search thru google! Above, she also added some extra legs should the one's she placed on the bed, be too tall for me. How sweet is she!!

 The bottom side of the bed. She did an amazing job, and she offers many lovely modern pieces in her shop. So check it out!! For now, this beautiful replica will remain in the room, til' I can find the real Mccoy!LOL
What the bedroom set looks like above. The pattern fabric is quite different from what was produced, possibly or were there different patterns sold, not sure? Instead mine is a pink rose fabric, you see below. I covered the wood mattress in the same print as the chair and pillows. Yup, just copied the pattern, placed in microsoft word, kept adding the pattern til' I had a sheet and printed that baby out! I used the same method to recreate the missing pillows on the sofa I have!

 Majority of the pieces are in the room. I just need to paint the walls in the corresponding colors that were in each set. I was able to find and use a white lamp and vase from another dolls room set. A yellow lamp shade from another, and just waiting on one other item. I even found a replacement to the tiny dried flowers that go into each set! Then my bed room set will be complete. I am still trying to figure out what to use for the wall clock?

Most of the pieces are interchangeable with the other room sets. Like above, the Dining room set. Almost complete as well. I just need to paint the walls...Still, its nice to see something come together slowly and the process it took to get it there!

As for other dollies and toys etc. I ended up taking a break from searching thru to see what is going or not...I hope to get back to it soon so you will see some new items added here and there in my shop!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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