
Monday, June 10, 2013

Progress with the Ben Holiday House/Mirai's Loft!!

Slowly but surely, I have the 'Ben Holiday House' updated since my last post here! Which is actually called, "Mirai's Loft" as I continue to decorate it...

 Above is an earlier shot using my camera and then below I used Taby's ipad which took better shots! So, I decided to use her shots instead! Okay, so what progress? Well, I added dark wood floors, and also received more tiny Glico toy furniture to add to Mirai's room.

 A shot above without flash! I love all the natural light that comes in from the windows!

 The top floor for now, holds some Glico Time Slip furniture. Some pieces I like, others are a bit too big for the room, but the cat sleeping on the pillow is just too cute not to add it here!

 The second floor above is currently Mirai's bed room. She has a friend visiting and the pink cabinet behind her is new, along with the table she is sitting on!

The ground floor was supposed to be a living room, but is currently the laundry room?! Til' I can find a tiny sofa set...Do you see Mirai's scooter in the doorway?!

 The dark wood floors along with the wall colors are nice. Slowly but surely, things are coming together!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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