
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Finally, I was able to Create My Dream Aram Dolls!!

In my post here, I received my very own set of "Create Your Own Aram" dolls! Today, I was able to work on them because of the fixative I needed to use, arrived!

 Before this, I did take the girls out and dressed them and they've been in my cabinet since, waiting patiently, for me to decide what to do with them!! So, I thought, gosh, I am not that steady with a brush nor was I confident enough to paint eyes on them myself. So, I did search the web for someone else to do the job for me. But then, I thought, "Ugh, the costs and the wait time, just doesn't make me want to send them all the way to another country to have them done!" So, what is a girl to do...hmmm?! I just happened to have some decals I bought earlier this year, but sadly, I didn't do enough research to figure out how to set them on an obitsu head. I had two heads to practice on, did the decals and, they sat in a drawer all this time, because I used a gloss medium which left the eyes glossy and a bit shiny just on that part of the face wear the eyes and eyebrows sat! So ugly, and what a mess!! Okay, if I do decide to use the decals on my Aram dolls, what can I use to fix the decals without making them look messed up and glossy?! So, I did some major researching to figure it out? I found this great video here, which helped me a lot! And she also mentions the fixatives I would need too!
Above, the fixatives I bought thru The Junky Spot here, to help me!! I decided I had to take the chance and try to see if it would work out for me or not? The fixatives were cheap, and I also got a new brush called, "Insane"! It shipped stateside and arrived to me so quickly too!

 So, midway thru the first head, I panicked with the first set of eyes, they were green and somehow the decal fix started to rip the decal instead! I ended up trashing that one and started all over again with the next best color for her, brown! Below, you can see a bit of her left eye is crooked, ugh! But I must say, it turned out okay, so far?!!

I put another coat of the decal fix and let her sit to dry as I worked on the dark haired aram below...
I then, added some blush to both of them and decided not to paint their lips, at least for now.

 I chose a blue set of eyes in a different style, for this aram above and below. I think it turned out a lot better than the first set of eyes I used, but still they both have a unique look to each of them!

My big-eyed aram below, seems to have turned out okay with her seemingly sweet look, but yet as though she is up to something bad?! I must say it was an experience worth having, now, I can go back and fix the obitsu heads I have!! My girls are dressed in pb' factory licca clothing!

Of course Moko chan wanted to be in the post! Below, wearing a cute plaid dress that she can fit!!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. They are so cute! I love the eyes!! Hannah

    1. Hi Hannah, thanks dear so much! I am happy with them too^_~ hugs, gg

  2. Hi Gigi, your dolls are lovely! I was wondering if you know where I can buy little eye decals for the tiny polymer clay doll heads, this this one here: any help would be appreciated. thank you!

    1. Hi,
      Depending on how small the dolls are? I'm not sure where you can find decals for these heads, but the decals from Junky spot will fit 1/6 size dolls or as small as 1/12 in scale. I hope this helps? hugs, gg
