
Friday, January 31, 2014

My Lil' Fairy Ewnoe is Here!!

Oh my goodness! I was not expecting her so soon! But who cares! She's here!! I have been wanting one of these Lil' Fairy's since they were announced back in December!! I wanted Ewnoe the most of the three, but figured I should still try to get Lipu when she was released.

The sad part at the time, just as with many other collectors, was that I had missed out on Lipu's pre-order!! I was so busy that day and figured that I could place the order for her when I got home. So, when I went to Hobby Search to check on her, and mind you this was only 2pm the day she was to be released for pre-order, and it said, "Sold Out"!! Whaaat?! I was like its okay, I wanted Ewnoe...but I did want Lipu too, not as much, but at the same time I wanted to see what these Lil' fairies were like?! On a better note, I'm so glad to hear Azone Int. will re-release them! So for all you Lil' fairy lovers out there that might have missed out on your dream maid, good news, they've been hurry up to your nearest fave Japan shop online and get your orders in!! I know, I will have a Lipu come summer!!Whoopee!!

 Lil' Fairy Ewnoe above! Yippe, I also received some fliers and a catalog, how cute! Of course, I hurried and took her out of the box to check her out! There will be more spammage of her later on...It's lunch and I have to go feed my girls!! The real one's!LOL!
Bye for now! - ggsdolls

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mail! Finally!!

In a recent post, I was rambling on about how mail wasn't coming in on time!! Well, Finally, some items came in! I seriously, don't know what is up? I did receive some items that were ordered last week or so. But there are two other items, I ordered before these, that still haven't shown up-_-;

Gosh, anyhow! Here's what came in!!
 I preordered the Katatsu Rilakkuma set, and it came on time, a miniature violin, along with another Pico neemo "Boyish" fashion, and two Pure Neemo outfits, I'd been eyeballing for some time!!LOL

 When the items were restocked last week, I just couldn't help myself! The two dress fashions will go nicely with the M pure neemo bod I got some time ago!
 I received this item quite fast too! This very intricate miniature violin, is for Charlotte! I love the design, but the bow is kinda big or maybe just bulky looking to me?! Still Charlotte can play music for me...

 Charlotte tuning up...

Such fun! LOL!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Letting go of some friends...

Please check my For Sale page! I'm letting go some of my girls!! Thanks for reading - ggsdolls

Monday, January 27, 2014

More Pico Neemo Tie Ribbons Arrive!!

Receiving mail has gotten really bad lately. Though, this past Christmas, I haven't had anything lost in the mail leaving me! Which has been quite a relief compared to the last two years-_-; It has only started to happen in early January. -_-;
Nowadays, mail is so slow that even first class packets are taking extra long to arrive!!?? Why? Who knows?! I still have some clothing items I've ordered thru Hobby Search that haven't even gotten to me as yet!!?

Anywho, I did finally receive this set of pattern ribbons that, mind you were purchased the same day as the first set of ribbons I got, but only arrived to me today! Ugh. Found thru etsy, these ribbons will make lovely ties for pico neemos!!
 Ohh, Four colors of the same pattern!
 Below, the ties I've made from the four ribbons I got. My fave is the black and red ones! They will look amazing on Charlotte in her boyish fashion! I might have them in the 'For Sale' page?! When I make another set?!!
 Then, also thru etsy, I found yet another color to my vintage plastic container collection. A blue one!! This one has a different floral motif, but at least I have one in yellow, green, and now, blue!!
 My collection of containers below. Now to find a pink one!!
 I can't forget to do another showcasing of Charlotte wearing a vintage orange a-line dress, owned by Sandy of Eldon toys. Charlotte fits it nicely!
 Then, I decided to try on the blue blazer... She looks so studious in it!
 Along with the ribbon mail, I did receive this miniature music stand and sheet music for Charlotte. Her character in "Quartett!" plays the violin, so I only thought it fitting to get one for her. Sadly, the violin is still sitting somewhere in a Postal truck taking more than four days to get to meh...Sheesh!

I can't wait to have her dressed and ready to perform for us!!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mail Call!!

Since getting a certain fashion from Azone's Pico Neemo series called, "Boyish Girl Set". There is a tie that comes with the set and I noticed it was just made from small ribbon. So, I decided to try to make some 1/12 scale ties for Pico Neemos, and ordered some ribbon from etsy to make em'!
Pico Neemo ties above!

 Above/left, some green ribbon I already had and made two similar ties from it. On the right, the ribbons I got Today, from etsy, to make other ties!!

I also ordered these lovely tulle skirts made for blythe in top photo. Then, altered by me for Charlotte!! They are beautiful, but sadly take so long to get here from China-_-;

 For now, there are 3 patterns of the same style tie as shown above and below. I will put them into sets in my For Sale page soon!!
 Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Sunday, January 19, 2014


The past few days I've been dressing and redressing Charlotte...So, here are some random photos...

Thanks for looking! - ggsdolls

Friday, January 17, 2014

Kawaii Retro Floral Trinket Containers!!

I found another kawaii plastic container thru etsy in yellow! The first one, I also got from etsy, back in 2012! These vintage containers remind me of my Aunt's dresser when I was a child. She use to have a similar container for powder, trinkets or jewelry!

 This yellow one above, is in great condition! Even better than the green one! It's not made in Japan, but in Hong Kong. Not much else about them. But I have seen them in blue and pink... Most of the floral motifs in the front are similar, but I've seen other designs too!
 The two in my collection have the same motif!
Charlotte, just had to pose with it! LOL!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Charlotte's Yukata...

I was able to finish the MMS Yukata I got Yesterday, with the help of my 13 yr. old, Taby. She did a better job of painting the tiny zories than I did!! So, I had her paint the fan too! I told her she'd be the one to paint for me next time I get a kit, of any kind!! Wow! LOL

Enough, talk...Check out Charlotte!!

Thanks for looking!! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Goodies from Japan!!

I received some goodies I won back in December!!

 My Yahoo Japan haul!! I Binned a few of them and three were regular auction bidding. I got this cute handmade deer, Hot Springs set miniature rement, Corona Custom heads, Megahouse school bag chair set, Konami Yukata set, a Yujin Lady walking miniature, and a Lot of Glico girl items!
 The Megahouse school set above, comes with a cute school bag I wanted for Charlotte, and just the right size for her too! Sadly, the chair is a bit small-_-; But one can use it elsewhere!!LOL

 This deer above is handmade by a seller in Japan for Pure Neemos! I wanted to use her in some scenes, but Taby wanted her more!! So, I guess I will have to borrow it from her!

 Another lot of Glico furniture...funny thing is, I figure I wouldn't win it, but ended up winning. So some will be added to my shop and some I will keep?!!

 Another Hot Springs miniature set, I wanted for my plastic dollhouse. I need to break out my Japan dollhouse to do a set up once all the major pieces are in!!

 A Yujin set that has a lady walking, and I love her vintage pilgrimage outfit and the stone Temple next to her. I got the one on the upper left! Just need to open it and set it up!LOL

 This lovely Sanshin also for my plastic dollhouse. I am obsessed with making it true to retro Japan era style home!! So, this was a nice scale size and addition to the plastic dollhouse! I've actually been wanting it for awhile, and the seller had it up for auction since October!! Wild!

 Next, this lovely Corona Wonder Festival 2011 Custom set of two heads for MMS bodies. I decided not to keep it, so, it will be added to my for sale page soon!! Only took it out for photos!!
 Lastly, this cute Yukata made for Konami MMS figures. I found this set cheap, usually they go for one hundred dollars plus!! It will be fun to put together and paint it. I can't wait to see it on Charlotte!!
 Backside. I will have to clean and trim the zories and fan, then paint them!! I see from the instructions, I will have to drill holes for the foot pegs to fit in too! Exciting! Definitely more about this soon!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls