
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Harajuku for a day!

Back in December, my husband had told us that for our Christmas gift, as a family we'd go to Japan for a day! The girls and I had been patiently awaiting when that day would come, and today was that day! Earlier past week, I had been doing some research as to where we would go in Japan. So, I knew my husband loves the "Old World" style of Japan, with its shrines, temples, and parks, while myself and my daughters love the shopping and the food, mostly! LOL

So, to try to keep us all happy, I figured we could all go to Osaka, Japan for the day. I did my research and found many temples, castles and shrines we could visit along with the museum that had "Tim Burton's" art displayed... We were so excited to be going!

Sadly, the day before our trip, the flight into Osaka was a minus 34 seats! What does that mean? It meant we couldn't go. Sam figured that there must be a meeting of sorts for the company and they held back 34 seats... So, that early Friday morning, he and I talked about where else we could go?

Nagoya, Narita, Sapporo?...hmm! Sam has seen Nagoya, but he's never been outside of the Narita Airport. So, I switched gears and did a quick few hours research of Narita and where in Tokyo we could go that would satisfy everyone?! I decided on Harajuku! I know, your thinking because of the cosplay costumes, etc., right?! Nope, it was because, there was a park, a shrine, a 100yen store, and Kiddyland. That caught my attention to satisfying the needs of everyone! Or at least I'd hope it would?! I planned out our day trip, where to go and how to get there so that we would make it to the three main places in the plan... Yoyogi Park, Meiji Shrine, Daiso Store, and Kiddyland!

Our flight left out early Saturday morning about 6:55am, from Guam to Narita, Japan. We landed, went through the usual passport, then customs, and finally, the first floor to the outside of Narita Airport. First stop, money exchange, next Narita Express...

 In Business Class with the hubby! Not bad for a three hour flight! Yup, I do all the writing too! Below, filling out customs forms to be ready!

We got our round trip tickets on the Narita Express train, I sat with Tabytha, while Sam was with Sara in front of us...
 The adventure began...

 Sara enjoyed sitting with her Dad and looking out the window of the Narita Express train!

We got off at the Niporri Station for a quick look! Then, back into the Jr Line to take the Yamanote Line into Harajuku Station...

On the Yamanote Line, it was a bit of a long ride, but were were excited!
 Once outside of the Harajuku Station. We headed straight to Takeshita Dori! Below. A street filled with shops, stores, and restaurants!

 We ate first, then started our walk thru the street and found the 100yen Store/ Daiso!
 Four amazing floors of 100yen goodness too! So much to see and want, but we ended up coming out with just a small bag of goodies. I was so worried about time that we did only a quick walk-through of the store. Mainly, 1st, 2nd, and 4th floors! Sara was already tired of walking!
 Above, and below, many shops you can see as you walk thru Takeshita!
 Our favorite was this place above, Sam wondered into this one area that had many flea market type shops. We found this T-shirt shop in the center and even gashapon machines! The girls were in heaven!
 But, to make time it was time to head back out to Harajuku Station for Yoyogi Park on the other side!! Above, a sea of people walking and I loved the Billboards of a manga love story!!
 Heading back the other way... One of my favorite photos below, of father and daughter!
 Let's rest our 'tootsies' pleease! Whew, because I have a foot condition(since birth), I can only walk so far, then have to rest! So, this little one below, rested with me! Thank you Sara!
 We made it to the other side of the train station! Yoyogi Park entrance. Look at this amazing huge gate! Gigantic and there were so many other visitors too! I am very humble by the beauty of Japan, the people, and their country. My husband believes I must have been Japanese in a past life! I tend to agree with him!

 The landscape is gorgeous and seeing the trees, we could hear a crow making noise not far from where we stood. Even with tired feet, we continued down this road to the nearest restroom for a break.
 From a bridge, at the center of the walk, a babbling little stream, to beautiful to pass up, and take a photo!

We decided to have some ice cream and rest our feet again. Then, Sam wanted to go to a blue bridge or crosswalk he had seen by the entrance to Yoyogi. He and Sara went up there to take photos of the Yoyogi Stadium.
 Below, a street sign, that Taby and I stood by, while waiting for Sam and Sara to come back from the bridge.

This street, Omotesando, is the street we should've taken to see the Kiddyland store, but because we had to catch the Narita Express back to the airport, we decided not to go there. I felt bad, as it was something I thought Sara would love... Maybe next time?!
 On the walk back to Harajuku Station, there were people standing around looking at these two meercats! Too cute!
 There also was a gentleman doing anime caricatures. Wow! You in Anime! Nice!

 Then, a man with his puppet Monkey! Sara was a bit shy to say hello!

Back on the Narita Express, so we don't miss the last train! Sara showing me her "Princess Peach" Gatcha Gatcha/ Gashapon toy from Takeshita Dori!

We made it into Narita Airport with time to spare, so we had dinner there, and also did a bit of shopping as well!

It was a long day, our feet hurt and we were exhausted. The weather was not too cold, and the rain cleared up by the end of the day. Still, even though we didn't make it to the Meiji Shrine and Kiddyland. At least we had a "Family adventure"! Our flight back home, came in about 1am! We had been up for almost 24 hours! We just changed out our clothes, and fell asleep! An awesome late Christmas gift! Thanks Daddy!

My Daiso spoils, and Gatcha Gatcha/Gashapon from the airport!! More on them later, sorry, I need a nap! LOL

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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