
Friday, April 10, 2015

Playing with Arnval, a Frog, and Plumeria Blossoms...

I started off the day as usual, but decided to take Arnval out to play...

First, some early morning shots, that I took of Guam's version of Cherry Blossoms, in this case they are white and pink plumeria blossoms!
 The yard along our gated property have Plumeria trees, that can overwhelm the area if you are not careful and don't trim them! But, when the flowers do bloom, they are in gorgeous colors of pink, and white!

Then, I decided to take a photo of what we call a "Lusong" or grinding stone. (Once used by Ancient Chamorros.) That is in our yard, and look closely?!
 Upon close inspection, a Frog!! Taking an early morning bath, I suppose! LOL Below, a wider shot of the Lusong.

Now, onto Arnval!
 She was helping me with a tiny engagement ring prop...

 She's just too cute sometimes... I can't help but want to take her everywhere with me!
Arnval: "Hey, I want some of these please!?"
Me: "Uh, that's a lot of chocolate for one little person!?"
Arnval: "Yup, and I want it all!!"
Me: "Okay, then!" As I am forced to open up the wrapping for her.

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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