
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

ggsdolls Blog Giveaway!!

Hello my dear friends of blogdom! It's been awhile since I had a blog giveaway, one example here... So, 'Just Because', I am doing another!! The Winner, will receive some kawaii goodies from me!! More information below!
Winner gets all this!! A vintage pose dolly memo notebook, one of my ggsdolls kawaii Sootsprite/Dust bunny brooches, and an Otomate Series Metallic Plate Part 3: of No. 11!!

How to win the Kawaii Set of Goodies above?!
All you have to do is post a comment here on my blog or on my wordpress blog here, starting from Today's post and so on, I will be looking out for those that comment. Your name will go into a small basket, and by October 15th, one month from today!!, I will take those names, print them out, place them into a little basket and pull out a winner. The more you comment the more your name is printed and placed into the basket, giving you more chances of winning!!

Good Luck to you all and be sure to read my latest posts! Let's keep all that is vintage and kawaii alive!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. Which blog version do you like posting with better, Wordpress or Blogspot? I really enjoy your blog, although because of you I bought a Fisher Price a-frame doll house that I have no room for. XD

    1. HI Dear Pandy, I must admit I love Blogspot more, as I am more accustomed to it^_~ But, I will still post on both just in case?! Also, thank you dear so very much for your kind words and liking my blog here. I appreciate it very much! Oh no, I do hope you are able to make room for it^_~ I know the feeling, I didn't want to sell mine, so my youngest daughter inherited it!! LOL many dolly hugs, gg
